Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Tech Council Meeting Day

The day was already set to be different when Johnnie did his vomiting thing at 3 AM in the morning. I was all set to keep him home today and so I let him sleep in. And I let myself sleep in too. As in it was 7:30 AM already by the time I woke up. Hey, I did say I was up until 4 AM in the morning cleaning the stinky mess in the bathroom right? Johnnie woke up around 7:40, right around the time we would usually leave for school. And he declared that he was ready to go. W-h-a-t? He actually ASKED to go to school! Uh-oh. I dashed him through the shower and got him cleaned up and dressed up. I put a croissant in his lunch box. And as for breakfast? There was no way I was going to give him food this morning anyway. Not after that gastric explosion just hours before. And then I hustled us out of the house. I got to the school at 8:05. And I got him through the gate before 8:10. This was the closest we had ever gotten to being late. I mean I got him showered, clothed, and at the gate in 16 minutes! I was pretty amazed. And so now I could focus on my work day. I was done with my Tech Council presentation as of last night so there really wasn't anything to focus on or worry about. Just some strands of worry from some pings from Eloisa from earlier in the week regarding IS Security and a couple of other projects. Worry only because I really didn't know what she wanted exactly. And candidly, I didn't really care. What I cared about this morning was watching the LA RAMS victory parade going on downtown. Wow. This was the first victory parade the CITY has seen since the Kings in 2014. And before that, the Lakers in 2009 and 2010. That seems SO long ago. And so it was cool to see LA's newest heroes: Matthew Stafford. Cooper Kupp. Aaron Donald. Take their well-deserved places in LA championship lore. 
As far as the Tech Council Meeting itself, it went well over an hour. Closer to 90 minutes really. I guess gone are the days when I would have no material longer than 30 minutes huh? No more of those meetings when I would have to find stuff out of my ass to talk about for an hour. And Eloisa specifically asked if we could have more than an hour for this meeting. Never mind that I still didn't think it was necessary. I think we spend too much time talking. And that is because the leaders spend so little time with my information that they get confused. I am not unilaterally deciding anything. My job is to present information and for them to do THEIR jobs and do something with it. Why we still get stuck on the basic stuff is I guess simply something I have to continue to deal with. Anyway the meeting was done by 2:45, after which I just chilled until it was time to pick up Johnnie from school. For the second day in a row, I went and got him early, for fear that he was pooping or vomiting or something. But I didn't hear from the school and that is always good. And when I picked him up, he declared that he was hungry. I got him dinner from Panda Express but I really needed to curtail his food intake. Which means no more desserts and snacks which comprise of half of his food intake at night. There is no way he's going to unload his stomach in my bathroom again. As it was he didn't poop at home, and he actually made ME a hot tea, which he tested and liked for himself! And I was only all too happy to have him watch TV for most of the evening. No need to worry about Lisa coming home and looking over our shoulders LOL LOL. I think we'll be ok tonight, even as I station a trash receptacle near the couch in case we have a repeat of last night. When Johnnie declared that he was looking forward to waking up early so he could have pancakes and sausage, at least I know he was feeling much much better. And that makes me feel better myself.

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