Saturday, February 26, 2022

Playing Balloon Volleyball and Eating Fish

Lisa asked me to come by at 9:30 AM today so I could watch Johnnie while she went to Pilates. I was only happy to get even another hour watching Johnnie on her day off. They're headed to another birthday party later on so this morning was all I was going to get. And I was determined to make it plenty enough. I didn't choose to have breakfast with them mainly because I just wanted to have my breakfast the way I wanted it and it was an opportunity for Lisa I felt to do her thing with Johnnie. I figured that she keeps complaining about not being mom enough. Well, this is her chance to experience that alone bonding time with him that I have come to cherish so much, and that I hope to experience agian this morning. Of course one look at Johnnie's painted nails and you know what mom and son did last night. He painted her toe nails and then painted his own green and red. I don't know how I feel about this. I want to claim to be progressive and say ah, this is some meaningless thing. I want to be able to say this has nothing to do with someone ending up gay later on in life, not that I would care about that if Johnnie ended up that way. I'm pretty sure he's all testosterone right about now anyway. And so I reminded myself: You don't really have to do anything with him. Just make up something on the fly and turn it into a game. That's how he rolls.  Look at his picture I posted of him turning electric toothbrush heads into his unicorn horns. That's how naturally funny my kid is. This morning, I gave him his shower, got him dressed and after Lisa left, he even declined to watch anything on TV.  And that was ok. Instead, we kept finding songs on Alexa that he could sing to. I was surprised that he had put practically the whole Encanto album on his favorites. I didn't even think he liked the movie. And then after that he fished for the party balloons hidden in the highest hiding place in the piano room and blew up his own balloons to play with Claire the dog. And then we played balloon volleyball, Johnnie with his ruler hitting it, and me using just my feet. Let me tell you, that wasn't an easy thing for me. In fact, it got me a little bit of a workout.  And we ended up playing until Lisa came home a little past 11 AM. You see? Nothing special. But I am pretty sure Johnnie had fun. And with that I went on home and concluded my time with my son for the weekend. I gave a silent "Thank You" to Lisa for giving me a chance for another chunk of time with him this morning. And then off I went to do the grocery shopping rounds. First Whole Foods, then Trader Joe's. I wanted to save Ralphs until tomorrow, for last so whatever I buy, which is really Johnnie's lunch stuff will be fresh as possible. That said I ended up going to Ralphs anyway. For lunch I figured I'd eat something I hadn't eaten in a while. FISH. Too much beef for me in the last couple of weeks so I did a fried swai lunch with the cucumber and tomato salad and rice. And it turned out to be really really good. I spent the next couple of hours lazing around on the couch. And then I forced myself up and got myself to at least clean the toilet. That hadn't been done in at least 3 weeks so it was due. There was still residue of Johnnie's vomit on the bottom of the bowl on the outside so it was not a quick thing to do. But afterwards, I felt it was clean enough so you could eat off it. Now the rest of the apartment... NO it turned out that I didn't actually get to clean the rest of the apartment at all today even though the kitchen floors specifically sure needed it. I just felt too lazy. And I allowed myself to be that today. I didn't do anything consequential either. I think that was the point. Lisa said she and Johnnie were having a lazy day today, well I'm going to have a lazy day too. Even if I had to take yet one more trip to her house in the afternoon since she wasn't sure she had turned the stove off. She delegated that to Johnnie and she was actually not sure he did it. So while they were at the birthday party, i went over there to check. Turned out that Johnnie did turn all the stove burners off.  I wasn't doing anything but watching TV anyway.  I went from watching Vikings Valhalla yesterday to watching a new movie on Hulu about a girl trapped in a rest stop where killers were hiding an abducted child. It would have been ok except that the protagonist really over-acted too much. Still I had to watch something while I ate dinner right? And what was for dinner? I figured I'd continue the fish theme for lunch and headed out to Baja Fresh in Marina del Rey to get some fish tacos. I got 3 of them to be exact. Didn't expect to be paying $22 but at least I convinced myself THAT was healthier than KFC. And they did turn out to be pretty good too.  I ended up binge watching until well past 1 AM tonight. Hadn't done that in a while.  Hopefully I won't be too tired for golf tomorrow.  But hey, it's Saturday right?

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