Saturday, February 19, 2022

Racing Airplanes

As expected I went to Lisa's house to pick up Johnnie and Claire this morning and it was as if last night's screaming fit from Lisa didn't happen. Apparently, mom, son, and dog all took a bath after I left. Which was what should have happened already in the first place. What I do know is that all that screaming fit stuff only happens when I am around I'm pretty sure. I don't know whether it is a comfort level that Lisa has that she could do that apparently only with me. Either way, I don't like it. And this morning, Lisa apparently is sticking with the "mom and son having breakfast together" thing. Although Johnnie also declared that he was having TWO breakfasts this morning, one with his mom and the other with me. THAT'S my boy.  As we headed to my apartment, I "de-briefed" with Johnnie to make sure he knows what is and isn't appropriate about last night.  He did say Lisa apologized <though not to me> and that he knows if he felt anger the same way he needed to do his count-routine. That is, count to 10 in English, Spanish, and Korean. I was satisfied Lisa did minimal mental and emotional damage, though I'm also sure the more she does this, the more Johnnie will realize that his mom has these odd behaviors. I hope Lisa realizes that she is walking the same path as her mom and she will NOT want her son thinking she is a kook later on in life when he is older, like she and her siblings think about their mom.  And so breakfast this morning was at Elysee., which was pretty cool. It was a nice day out and we enjoyed the eggs, sausage, and the croissant. And fresh-squeezed OJ. And then we went to Target to pick up some lunch stuff for him for next week before heading back home. I had it in my mind that we were going to get dad-and-son SuperBowl RAMS T-shirts today but not from Target. Might as well get the real thing from Dick's Sporting Goods in El Segundo. And so I let Johnnie watch Octonauts for a couple of hours until it was time to go for lunch. I also figured to let Johnnie catch up on TV. Ok maybe I did that as sort of a payback to Lisa not allowing him to watch stuff last night while I was trying to rest on the couch.  And so we went to Panda Express when it was time and we went to the one in Marina del Rey. I figured we'd go from there to El Segundo since we were already on the way. We drove from Marina del Rey up Lincoln Blvd alongside LAX. Not only did Johnnie love it when we were going fast around that Lincoln Blvd stretch by LMU where there were 4 lanes.  He rolled down his window and put his hands outside and played with the airflow. And then we we reached LAX, of course there were at least 2 planes that were touching down right above us. It felt like we were racing those planes actually. And Johnnie whooped "WHEEE!" as if we were winning. I gotta say it sounded like a whole lot of nothing.  Just mere moments of joy and glee. But it put a smile on my face too. Moments like these easily erases the half hour of crap from last night. And then we went to Dick's Sporting goods. We bought our T-shirts (see pic), had Johnnie try a 20-inch bike which will be the next purchase for me, and I got some golf balls for tomorrow. A very productive trip. And then on the ride home, Johnnie fell asleep. Reminds me of many a Saturday when he was a lot younger when I would drive around to make sure he was asleep right after lunch. No need for that anymore. In fact, as soon as we got back home he woke right back up. And went right back to watching Octonauts. We were actually in and out still. We got some dough and cheese so we could make pizza for dinner.  Half cheese, and half pepperoni and pineapple. Turned out a little chewy since I tried the same dough I did last week for Super Bowl. Maybe best to go back to Boboli I think. Still, Johnnie put away 3 large pieces and then took a big poop. Solid poop. Thumbs up! He HAS recovered from his stomach issues from earlier in the week! I fully expected Lisa to stay at work until late just like yesterday. And so for dessert, Johnnie and I went through Starbucks drive-through to get him some chocolate pops. THAT was when Lisa called letting me know she was on her way home. It was 7:30 PM. That's good. Not that late. We went back to the apartment, packed up Claire and off we went to Lisa's house for Saturday night drop-off. I didn't linger tonight. Why tempt fate? No need for any triggered screaming on Lisa's part. I would much rather do what I did, which was to go home and watch some 90s movies on Hulu. I watched Phenomenon with John Travolta. After finishing Quills. I felt like we had a good day Johnnie and I, which more than made up for all the drama from last night. And I felt really REALLY good about that.

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