Saturday, February 5, 2022

Saturday Lisa Workday and Dinner with Yadira

So today is a Lisa workday and Johnnie is in my room by 7 PM making sure I was awake. Apparently a Lisa ritual is for guests to have breakfast with them.  I didn't mind that actually. I woke up this morning earlier than when Johnnie came in and I was remarking how it felt like I was at a hotel. See the clothes setup in the closet. Is that any different than the last time I slept at a hotel <Caesar's Palace Las Vegas in October>? I should appreciate how neat Lisa keeps her house actually. It takes a lot of energy to make it that way. Anyway I had Earl Grey tea while Johnnie ate a couple of slices of buttered sourdough toast for his breakfast and Lisa had her usual. I guess the big thing was that we all get to sit together. Hey, if it's a Lisa rule I will comply. I promised I would didn't I? As soon as she took off though, I made myself a couple of scrambled eggs for my breakfast. I was just more comfortable doing all that without Lisa around. It's how uncomfortable she makes me feel that there is something I'm not doing just so and honestly it's always been like that for me about her. Probably a big reason why we needed to divorce. And then I put on the TV for Johnnie so he could be occupied while I took a shower in Lisa's bathroom. This is the bathroom I designed after all. And I hadn't showered here in a few years. I remember I loved just sitting here and feeling the luxury of water just gushing down my body. And I did it again today and it felt really good. I had to wipe off every drop afterwards but hey I thought that was a small price to pay. Anyway I was transported back to when I lived here and I would spend Saturday mornings doing grocery shopping and then making it to Lisa's office for lunch and doing payroll. How many years did I do that?! Today I took Johnnie shopping, but only to get a replacement hoodie for him since he lost the one he had. We went to Jack-In-the Box first because all of a sudden he was hungry at 10 AM. Surprise surprise. Then we went to the Century City mall. And then to Carter's on Sepulveda. THERE is where we found a hoodie a size smaller than what he had. But it will have to do. While we were there I picked up lunch for me from Ono Hawaii. Hadn't eaten there in a bit too. And it certainly was something different.  For Johnnie he was still hungry when we got home and so I made him some spaghetti and Trader Joe's marinara sauce.
So Lisa mentioned this morning that Yadira was coming in for an appointment and they were heading back early so we could have dinner. Works for me. I posted a pic of Johnnie watching TV because that's exactly what he would have been doing had we been at my apartment for the afternoon. Well, except maybe the dog wouldn't be on my couch licking his feet. I actually did try to take a nap too since I would have done just that in my apartment. But I couldn't really get drowsy enough. And by 4 PM, Lisa was already home with Yadira. It had been a really long time since we all saw each other together. I would venture to say it's been a little over a year since we had dinner in Lisa's backyard. Tonight there was no Dexter. I guess no one reached out to him or he simply was not available. I felt like giving him some space so he could deal with his decision whether or not to continue to work for Disney.  Anyway we still managed to catch up with Yadira and everything seemed to be ok with her. And we all ended up having dinner at Oops afterwards anyway, dog and all.  I picked up the tab since I was actually at Lisa's house using her guest room at her pleasure. We always enjoy eating at Oops, probably the one place we can all guarantee we would like the food. We caught up some more, and then by 7:30 PM Yadira was already headed home. It was good to see her again and we said we'd line up a sports event later on in the year.  If I were home you know I'd be catching up on any one of the new Netflix series <Raising Dion> or a new Amazon Prime series <Reacher> or maybe checking in on the Lakers <they would beat the Knicks in OT> or the UCLA basketball team <they would get upset by Arizona State in triple overtime!!!>. Except that Johnnie declared that he wanted to sleep in daddy's bed tonight. What?? How could I refuse? All that meant was that I had to get him ready for bed, brush his teeth, put his pajamas on and then let him go to sleep while continuing to watch whatever I was watching. And THEN by 10 PM I decided I'd go to bed too. Good thing about being here is that there is no binging until 1 AM in the morning for me.  I am going to be rested for golf tomorrow for sure!

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