Monday, February 14, 2022

New Work Week Monday - oh yeah It's also Valentine's Day

Ahh to get up early and immediately head to my couch to watch TV. Yes that is how I wish to spend my Monday. Watching the sports talking heads and sports pundits recap the Super Bowl last night. Normally I wouldn't care. This time OF COURSE I do! The RAMS won! The RAMS won! They now join the Lakers and Dodgers as having won titles in the last couple of years! City of LA. City of Champions. Ok I didn't do that ALL morning. In fact, I got out of the house and took a walk to Mar Vista Elementary, hoping to get there right around the time I thought Lisa and Johnnie would. Then I would take the dog. I gotta get out and do my morning walk anyway. And then by the time I got there I remembered, it wasn't Monday that I get the dog, it is Friday. Sigh. Oh well at least I got my steps in. Today is supposed to be one of the busy Mondays too. It is HRSA report day, and I did not finish those reports yesterday like I planned. Gotta do them today. And then of course tomorrow is submission day for UDS. And wouldn't you know that damn James didn't finish his Data Audits on Friday like we had talked about that morning? Boy that irritates me. What the heck is he doing? Needless to say I got busier than I thought today. Oh sure I still stopped and watched the pundits. I mean how often do the RAMS win the Super Bowl? We've only been waiting for this FOREVER. And I did manage to step out and get myself a tuna melt for lunch from Marie Callenders, making sure I enjoyed the midday sun. It's supposed to get cooler tomorrow. But that's tomorrow. Today, I'm going to continue to enjoy the great weather. And so it was that I kept shuttling between my computer and my TV all afternoon long. And also a quick break to get to 10,000 steps before 4 PM.  By the time I finished my reports, it was already getting dark. I remembered last week that I was somehow annoyed that Lisa didn't pick up Johnnie at 5 PM. Why did I do that? It was her turn, her responsibility and I should have trusted her to get it done. Am I displaying the same distrust of James today not finishing up the UDS report? Hey, the difference is that MY BOSS is on my ass about getting it done too. I did get a ping from him midday that he was still working on the updates. I guess there were 18 Data Audits pending from Friday. The difference is that this time it is Dennis pushing the button, not Art who was content to do practically everything himself. Now James just looks bad. Except that he is dragging me down with him. I am SURE he is doing exactly the same things he does, since he has been UDS for at least the last 6 years. Just now there are different people looking. Anyway I placed my trust in the Universe and I know we will somehow be done by tomorrow. In the meantime it was JOhnnie pick up night. And might I add it is also Valentine's Day though today that didn't really mean much to a single dad not-dating-anyone guy like me LOL. I do remember I made a big deal out of today when I would bring a single rose for every woman in Lisa's office. I did that for many years. Can't say that I miss it now, especially since my heart really isn't in it anymore. I picked Johnnie up right after I got my El Pollo Loco dinner and mom and son were quietly doing stuff on the couch. He had already eaten. Nothing special tonight, just picking up Johnnie. Boy I truly am over it aren't I? However, I did note that Johnnie should have given Brooklyn a Valentine. And so I made him make one when we got home. And I sent it via email. Lisa and I may have had our time and that may be dead now, but there is still a lot of love out there and I want to make sure Johnnie experiences it to the fullest. Even at 7 years old LOL. Look at the Valentine he made! One thing though, he started pooping diarrhea tonight. Uh-oh. Didn't he get over that over the weekend? He started last Saturday, but Lisa said his stomach had calmed down by yesterday. What is going on tonight? I shrugged it off as just some minor intestinal thing most likely. And I was fairly sure he would be ok by tomorrow. After all, the second he ejected everything he felt 100% better he said. I think he will be ok. We shall see in the morning...

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