Sunday, February 6, 2022

First Golf Sunday in February

It's golf Sunday and despite me sleeping over at Lisa's guest room and despite Johnnie sleeping in my bed last night, I'm up at 7 AM getting ready to head out to Roosevelt golf course. Johnnie was already wide awake by this time but I told him he should go crawl under mommy's covers and that daddy was heading out for most of the day. I was headed out by 7:30 before I realized that the tee time was not until 9 AM. And so I stopped by my apartment and made myself breakfast. A ham and egg bagel sandwich and Earl Grey hot tea. And I still had plenty of time to get to Roosevelt. In the meantime I noticed that at least they had started on the work in my unit. They took out all the wood moldings in the bathroom. What's next I'm not sure but at least they had gotten started.  And so with that I headed out to the golf course and decided that I was going to have a good game today. I needed it in order to wipe the stench of the putrid game I had last week! I mean I was hitting the ball into the street for crying out loud! Right out of the gate, my first tee shot travelled straight down the middle over 200 yards and I KNEW I was already back on my game. I barely missed my par putt on that hole but at least I got an easy bogey. I blasted the tee shot 200+ yards down the middle on Hole 2 as well. And although I talked myself into a bad hole, I knew I was going to do much better today than last week. All in all I ended up getting pars on Hole 6, the funnel zone hole which was not at all an easy one, and on the very last Hole 9, where my first shot was already pin level but not quite on the green. But I also had near miss pars on Hole 1, Hole 3, and Hole 8. Really only on Hole 2 and Hole 7 did i just had near blow-up holes. So all in all I played pretty well. I didn't pay attention to how Scott played but I didn't think he had more than a par himself. And so it was that I had a pretty good game on a pretty nice day that ended up being warmer than expected. For lunch I decided to to back to the apartment and eat up whatever I had left in the fridge. That would be the bolognese from Thursday. And then I focused on stuff I would do Sunday night usually. Caught up on my journal, did my accounting, even uploaded a bunch of stuff for taxes so I could finish that up next week. By the time I headed back to Lisa's house it was already 4 PM...
So normally on a Sunday afternoon/evening I'd be taking a nap, I'd be binge watching something, and maybe watch sports if there was any team playing I was interested in. I prepared myself not to have to do anything this evening in case I had to hang out with LIsa and Johnnie. No problem with steps, I was already at 10,000+ and more than 140 active minutes by the time I headed to Lisa's and I had already met my week's goals. I noticed that the trash bins were out which meant that mom and son were out and wouldn't be back until later on this evening. I took the opportunity to enjoy the nice sunset on Maplewood and Palms, something I should have done more when I lived here. That was so stop and appreciate. AND since I shopped for beef stew ingredients, I made myself some beef stew in fact. I had enough for at least 3 servings. Which should tide me over should I find myself in a situation where I'm having to eat Lisa's bland food choices. I'm going to be much better prepared for the next week in terms of food that I can promise you. And so the beef stew actually turned out pretty good. And then I ended up binge watching anyway. On Lisa's TV. The thing hardly ever gets used. And so I watched 7 episodes of the new Jack Reacher series on Amazon Prime. By the time mom and son made it home it was nearly 8:30 PM.  And Johnnie had fallen asleep in the back seat of his mom's truck. I guess they do this often. I apologized for having the TV on but surprisingly, Lisa actually let me keep on watching. And she herself went to bed early. So all in all an uneventful Sunday evening. A little different, but really more of the same, just not in my apartment. And that's ok. At least I can enjoy the fact that I was back to being myself on the golf course. That's ALWAYS a good thing...

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