Friday, February 11, 2022

Can't Be Too Soon To Move Back Home

So today I was hoping to have my usual quiet Friday with not much to do actually. But I knew first thing this morning that it wasn't going to turn out that way. At least not immediately. That's when Lisa came into the guest room, declared that Claire was in the middle of her period and therefore spotted blood all over Lisa's white sheets <Lisa alert #1> and of course she would have to notice that I was sleeping on my own gray blanket and that said gray blanket left gray threads all over the blue throw on the bed. <Lisa alert #2> At least she had the awareness to simply leave the room and try to not blow up.  It's a big ask we all know. But she had to be at work this morning at 8:30 and had to drop Johnnie off at school to boot so at least she had to think about those things first doesn't she? In the meantime, I thought that was my cue to start packing up because that little interaction just pretty much clinched it for me that last night would be the last night I would be sleeping here. Hey it HAS been 8 days after all. I lasted longer than maybe I myself thought I would.  Hey, it's time. And so I brought back my clothes to my apartment, leaving only my computer and my towel so I could take a shower later. And then I went back to Lisa's house so I could deal with the two meetings I had this morning. The first was a HRSA meeting with Emma. The 2nd was the UDS meeting that had bugged me because James went on radio silent the entire day yesterday. And Dennis started to monitor the UDS site we were supposed to be doing our submissions. Finally he saw activity. This morning. As in James finally started uploading all the stuff this morning. After I made arrangements for Shilpa to take over if necessary. I said I wanted to be done today and dammit we better be done today. i was totally ready to delegate the entire upload to Shilpa and we would figure it out for the day. But it turned out not to be necessary. James had pretty much finished uploading stuff and we were sure to be done at the end of the day. Whew. Why he had to wait until this morning is something that irked and frustrated me but I'm not going to worry about it now. Anyway the meetings were done by 10:30. Then and only then can I relax for the rest of the day. First I took a shower in Johnnie's bathroom, cleaned up after myself. And thus declared myself moved out. I did hang around the rest of the day though only because Claire was in the house and I would have had to watch her anyway. Besides, officially I can't really move back in until after 4 PM today. And I will admit to watching the clock. i did enjoy a nice lunch from El Pollo Loco right in the backyard porch. I noted that the last time I ate here alone that I can remember was the night Lisa and Johnnie were in Hawaii and I was left alone in the house. I moved out the following weekend. Some memory. So at least this lunch memory could be a pleasant one that could over ride that less-than-pleasant one from almost 4 years ago. And in fact, when 4 o'clock hit and I started to head to my apartment, a skyplane was making a heart in the sky above Santa Monica I thought. And it was very clearly visible from Lisa's house. Awww. An early Happy Valentine's Day. I went to my apartment and dropped everything else off and I almost kissed the ground. The workers were, in fact, done. I CAN MOVE BACK HOME!!! I felt SO RELIEVED. And so I immediately started moving the bathroom back into place. I still had to clean the floor but that I can do tomorrow. After all, i still have to pick up Johnnie at school. But this time, I had relieved myself of all the tension of having to stay at Lisa's house tonight. I picked up Johnnie and headed us to Panda Express on Sawtelle. That was where he and I had dinner. And when we went home Johnnie and I watched SING 2 since I figured Lisa would be ok with us watching it should she walk in on us at some point. Turned out I didn't have to worry about that at all.  That's because Lisa hadn't come home by the time the movie finished around 7:30 PM. I let Johnnie watch Tumble Leaf while I did steps in the piano room just so I could keep an eye on Lisa coming home. 8 PM and no Lisa. 8:30 PM and no Lisa. I know she is at work to be sure but by 8:45 I figured I'd start Johnnie's bedtime routine. He was SO DIRTY when he got out of school that there was no question he had to have a shower tonight. I stopped asking him how he gets so dirty. I mean its not just his clothes, it's his hands, his legs, everything! It's like he rolled around on the ground many many many times! Anyway I did get him all cleaned up and bed ready. And then since Claire is in the middle of her period I put her in her cage to go to sleep. And so by the time Lisa came home, which was around 9:15. Johnnie was already fast asleep. I declared to Lisa that I was out too since she was already home. And that I would be back to watch Johnnie tomorrow morning if Lisa had plans <I know she did but she was too tired to remember>. It's all good!!! I'm sleeping in my own bed tonight again after more than a week!!!

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