Wednesday, February 2, 2022

A Day Out of the Ordinary

So with yesterday's news about me needing to vacate my apartment for about a week, I'm a little out of balance this morning. I had this dream that I was trying to get someone to kill me, and they had to use a knife to do it. But when they stuck the knife in my back, it wasn't in nearly deep enough to even cause any bleeding. Like it only hurt me a little. Is a part of me needing to die? But it's difficult to kill. Hmmm. More on that later I guess. Today I'm headed to Echo Park Health Center in the morning and if I leave about the same time as I did yesterday I knew I'd make it there in plenty of time. It's Wednesday too and it's not the ONLY Town Hall I have to do today. I have the QueensCare one to do as well. This time I got to leave at 7:50! A minute better than yesterday! I was already near the Vermont exit by 8:04! The thing though is the street traffic which is far worse than the freeway traffic. How could that be?? Anyway I did get there by 8:25 right as the thing was starting and this morning we were given a treat actually. The Dental Team at Echo Park had a little skit going with a dance and everything to urge other providers to send patients to the Dental Clinic. THAT'S what I'm talking about. THAT'S how it's done. No need to depend on external energy. Echo Park brought its own energy and it was amazing! It wasn't done there either. Their DPI (Dramatic Performance Improvement) presentation was very surgical and I thought it was very very good. Something I would present, with charts and everything. And so today's session gave ME energy. And I needed it for the next TownHall with QueensCare an hour later. And after my turn, which came early in the presentation, I was already able to breathe out knowing I had done my work for the day and we only have 2 left of these Town Halls to do. I gave myself a reward actually, lunch from Ralphs which was the tri-tip plate and green beans and macaroni beef. I mean, for $10 you could do FAR WORSE. And it was pretty good at that. And with that great lunch I followed it up with the latest episode of the Book of Boba Fett. Episode 6. Which was more like an extension of the Mandalorian series actually. And this time, we get to check in on Grogu and his lessons with Luke Skywalker. That snippet alone was worth the entire series. This episode mirrored the Empire Strikes Back especially the training sequences with Luke and Yoda. Only this time it is Luke that is the teacher. I can't say enough how my heart warmed to see this scenes again. So much so it was actually the play of the day. And I needed it too. Because later on, I had a lot more to do.  I got another call from the Building Management that I needed to clear my bathroom and my closet by tomorrow morning. Never mind that I still had to drop off Johnnie at school and that I still had to make it to my Westlake North Town Hall by 8:30. That meant I had to do everything tonight. It might sound simple since I don't really have much stuff in the bathroom. My closet, however, was a different story. So much so that after I cleared my shoes, I realized I would have to clear the rest of my clothes tomorrow morning. Because I had to put them on the bed. And so it was that I spent most of the evening packing up the bathroom and whatever I could in the closet. And left the rest for tomorrow. And I was tired after all that. More so emotionally and mentally I think. It's always strange to pack stuff away even if you're just moving them to the next room. I guess I just don't like moving so much. And so it was that this Wednesday is somewhat of a timemarker for me. Such an un-routine kind of day...

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