Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Crispy Cold

I spent some time this morning meditating on Dexter and sending him healing energy. No Dex, I am not ready to stop being your friend just yet. I'm not sure why this is happening in my consciousness, maybe a reminder to use my "powers" on those closest to me. Yes I know, that should include Lisa. I also know I need to get myself to the point where nothing she does would bother me anymore, even if she is totally aware of that. That is, that I merely ignore her drama. In the meantime, it is Hump Day and it had gotten colder today than yesterday even. As in it was in the 50s and cold. Look at the kids on their way to school this morning. That would be Brooklyn and Bailey with Johnnie. Brooklyn had slipped a note in Johnnie's book bag yesterday. The note said simply "I love you Johnnie". Awww. I would hope that Johnnie appreciates it and shows that appreciation. This week LAUSD pulled its mask mandate outdoors for the kids. So at least they can see their faces while outside. I bought Johnnie a lanyard yesterday so he could carry his mask all the time. REally he's so used to it, he didn't care. He still wanted to wear his mask. And that's ok. Today, on my walk in the morning, I continued to try to hold myself in a space of gratitude, in the energy of perfect health even while some around me are not experiencing that. I still claim it for myself. Perfect Health. Perfect Abundance. I held myself in a space of gratitude for getting 3000 steps done first thing. For making myself my bagel, bacon and cream cheese with tomato breakfast. For sitting down and enjoying my Earl Grey hot tea. For finishing my Data Team Meeting after a mere 15 minutes. For taking Claire for a walk and enjoying the outdoor crispy cold sunshine. It did get a bit warmer, though not by much. I still managed to head out at lunchtime to get a tri-tip lunch at Ralphs. Kind of the new go-to lunch out in the middle of the week. Might as well enjoy these forays out of the house since I can.
The afternoon was more of the same in terms of work. I kind of got caught up trying to learn. or re-learn Dentrix which I had not done in a really long time. Heck it took me a half hour just to install the client software and load the database, let alone run a report or two. This stuff I am not going to miss I don't think. Barbara's projects I am REALLY not going to miss. It feels like she is trying to keep herself as occupied as possible. And really that is not a bad thing. But the intranet redesign? Waste of time. The Salesforce Grants Management? Probably overblown but hey I was trying to get Salesforce in the organization wasn't I? I was fully aware that there were feelings of impatience welling up in me. And I need to deal with those to be sure.  But maybe, all I really cared about was picking up Johnnie at 5 PM and then making us pizza for dinner. I bought the Boboli this afternoon and although I tried my hand at doing a different pizza dough the last couple of times, this was far tastier. I only did pizza so I could also heat up Trader Joe's pizza that Lisa made me take home with me for Johnnie's leftovers. She made a big to-do about him eating it at some point this week. So this way he could do just that. But today Johnnie was actually hyper engaged. He made himself a kite using just colored paper and the cardboard roll from an empty paper towel roll. He made himself a storyboard. And you can see in the picture we took together how goofy a mood he was in. And in the vein of "we chance upon the oddest things", we somehow watched a Disney half hour clip from 1958 about Paul Bunyan. I know Johnnie had heard of Paul Bunyan from one of his classes at least. But he didn't see the Disney version with a song and everything. Heck I remembered it from when I was a kid myself. Who knew we watched Disney stuff when i was growing up in the Philippines?! So it turned out to be a far quieter evening tonight than last night. No calls to Dexter <I will call him tomorrow>, no calls from Lisa <ditto I will see her tomorrow for hand-off night> At least I got my 5 minutes of M&Ms (Magic Moments) with Johnnie tonight. Made up for anything else today and that is a very good thing.

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