Saturday, February 12, 2022

Watching Johnnie and Moving Back In

So I didn't really finish moving everything back in last night. I figured I'd finish it all today anyway. I just got the bathroom usable again. And made sure I could sleep on my bed. THAT was good enough for tonight. And it took all of last night for me to start binge watcihng on TV again.  It wasn't even a new show I watched. It was Kingdom of Heaven the movie. And I watched it until the end. Until it was already 1 AM in the morning. I almost fell asleep on the couch. I figured it was ok to just be right in my own home again doing my own thing, without having to look over my shoulder waiting for some shoe to drop. This morning I didn't really hear from Johnnie or Lisa. And so I ate my Hawaiian bagel and then I dropped in to see them. Lisa was prepared to take Johnnie to Pilates with her. And then they were going to a pizza lunch with Dr. Aynechi and kids. I remember this used to be the time of year where they would celebrate the kids' birthdays. I can't say that I'm not disappointed that I don't have to go to these things anymore although as people to hang out with went, Dr Aynechi and kids were one of those I enjoyed. Especially with some history at La Quinta Resort in Palm Springs. That used to be a summer staple. But today I was just happy hanging out with Johnnie for an hour or so. I go back to the DAD MANTRA: An hour of amazing wipes out a week of negative stuff.  And so the pics you see on this post are just me and Johnnie doing an hour of amazing. I sat down and had Earl Grey tea and help make Johnnie his sourdough breakfast. And then Lisa took off and immediately I turned on Tumble Leaf for Johnnie.  Just Johnnie watching it perched on my shoulder was already my memory-of-the-day.  And of course he and I had to have our rassling while he kept trying to hit me in the stomach. And for a little bit, even Claire joined in on the act. The only not-so-positive thing was that Johnnie had diarrhea and had to poop a couple of times, once right in his underwear. Uh-oh. That does not bode well for the pizza lunch coming up. Hopefully, he will be ok.  By the time Lisa came back from Pilates, it was 10:15. And of course she had to see the underwear soaking in the sink. I did not bother to try to explain everything. She was there so now I could take off. NOW I could think of moving my stuff back in the closet. It might not sound like a whole lot of stuff to move back. And really, maybe it wasn't. But I had to see the collection of stuff I had in my "memories boxes", see stuff from 1989. Pictures from earlier than that even. I looked at mini-entries from February 1989... yes 33 years ago. What was a 27-year old Arnel thinking about back in the day? He was smitten by a co-worker who then wrote him a "let's just stay friends" note.  Yikes. I couldn't have tried to like other women at the time couldn't I?!! That I could go back in time and perhaps try to get myself out and about and meet more women. Or at least work on my confidence.  It was also this time that a truck hit my Honda Accord at lunchtime. Wow. That's how I ended up buying a Hyundai.  Anyway the bottom line was that I spent the afternoon time travelling and THAT took up a whole lot of time. Heck just sorting out my shoes was a task by itself. I didn't realize that I hoarded shoes. I had so many that I hadn't worn in so long, including a Doc Martens that I remember buying almost 15 years ago and only wore when it rained. Well I have Vessi and Allbirds now. No need for these boots. And so the bottom line was that I ended up having a whole box full of shoes that I ended up giving away and dumping in one of those used clothes collector bins. And then I went to Trader Joe's and Ralphs to get grocery shopping. Interesting on a Saturday night. I was hungry but I didn't feel like eating any more garbage. The Carl's Jr Star at lunchtime took care of that. And so I made myself a nice healthy broccolini and beef dinner. Nothing is healthier than homemade. The last time I made this was at a Monday at Lisa's house, after which she had an upset stomach.  Last time I prepare meat for her.  I asked myself if I had to do it all over again, would I now choose a hotel over staying at Lisa's for the week? I think now I'm 50-50. And maybe considering the hotel just a tad more strongly this time.  It just isn't worth the emotional and mental aggravation and i don't think she would ever get that.  That's how she lives her life. What she calls my tendency to be anti-social is simply me trying to avoid negative emotions. And I am good with that. And so it was that I finished putting my closet back together, got laundry done, AND had a nice home-cooked meal at my apartment. AND I ended up binge watching movies again. This time the Stieg Larsson trilogy: Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, Girl who Kicked the Hornet's Nest. I never made it to the third movie. I fell asleep on the couch. I found myself brushing and flossing my teeth at 2 AM in the morning before crashing back in my bed. It is all good. I am happy to be home again.

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