Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Now A Different Tuesday Too

I don't know why I keep using the word "different" in my post titles this week. OF COURSE it's going to be different. It was only a matter of time before old patterns arise, old emotions and feelings - negative or otherwise - would find their way to the surface. And through all that I remind myself that I am, in fact, a guest here and that I am here as a favor. And so whatever comes up, I need to just keep my mouth shut and deal with things internally. Oh yeah, kind of when I was living here LOL LOL. I remind myself that despite everything, I am doing this because it is actually better for Johnnie and better for mom AND Johnnie collectively.  She gets to see him during the weeknights when she doesn't usually and he gets to do the same with her. Even if that means he doesn't get to do the usual things he does when he's staying with me. And maybe that isn't all that bad. The one different thing about today though, is that it had gotten hot. As in mid-80s hot. You'd never feel it inside Lisa's house because it has a natural tendency to be cooler than usual. But it is summer hot out there. This morning I tried to do the Johnnie drop-off as close to routine as possible, obviously without the breakfast from Mcdonald's. But Johnnie seems to have taken to his new favorite meal of sourdough bread. And he actually got a kick out of fixing it himself, with the butter and everything. Despite washing dishes AND brushing Johnnie's teeth, we were out of the house by 7:45 and managed to make it to the gate by the time it opened. So that was a good thing. And when I came back to Lisa's house, she was already on her way to work. All I did was do my work routine. Today that was doing the Operations meeting, which I was supposed to lead by the way. And that I barely got back in time for. That's because I made a pit stop at my apartment to see what was going on and turned my computer on long enough to find out it started at 8:30 AM NOT 9 and that I was supposed to host.  It was all good though and by the time that got done, I had time to dive in to the OSHPD report from Open Dental. The one thing left I hadn't completely done.
By the time 5 PM came, I was actually still caught in a deep dive with those reports. So much so that I was having a hard time getting them to run and I had to force myself to get up so I could pick up Johnnie. It was almost 5:20 by then and that was already much later than the time I would get out to go get Johnnie on a normal day. Such is the strangeness I find myself in. And of course you know when I find myself in that position I end up looking for the familiar. I end up looking for routine. Today that meant Johnnie and I went right to Panda Express on Sawtelle. And even though it was already later than the usual time we would get there, we decided we would eat there anyway, especially now that the dining room is open again and LA is trying to open up just a little bit more. Look at the pic of Johnnie shovelling a whole bunch of rice in his mouth. That kid... Today I found his shorts to be absolutely dirty. I knew he had basketball today and I also remember that when you see your kid's clothes that dirty that means they had had a lot of fun today. But MAN was it dirty. So much so I had to soak those same shorts the second we got home. Lucky Lisa has a soak basin. I envy that. I have a little pail. We would watch a little bit of Nature Cats and WIld Kratts before Lisa got home. And before she did she actually called ahead letting me know she was going on her Tuesday night walk with Melissa around the neighborhood.  She was calling ahead so she didn't have to go in and get delayed. And she wanted to take the dog along with her anyway. Works for us! Gave us a little more TV time for Johnnie and I. And when we went upstairs for Johnnie's bath (they do baths and showers at night... I do mine first thing in the morning). it was already 8:45. It was already time for Johnnie to go to bed anyway. And as if on cue, Lisa got back the second we got done with his bath and brushing regimen. Johnnie gets to sleep in mom's bed again tonight I guess and that is perfectly fine. As for me, I noted that it is already Tuesday and I am one day closer to going back home. I'm told now that THAT day is Friday. Just a few more days...

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