Monday, January 31, 2022

Roadshow TownHall Week

It's the last day of the month of January. AND the start of Roadshow Town Hall Week, with today's destination the Hollywood Health Center. It's not necessarily a good thing since HW, Echo Park, and Eagle Rock all take the same amount of time to get there. Heck they all do at this point so it didn't really matter. What was different was that I was up at 7 AM getting showered, and instead of taking Monday morning steps and focusing on my image cycling exercise, I'm getting ready to go to work in person. Mind you my bit should only last about 7 minutes. Kind of a lot of effort just for a 7 minute schpeel, but hey I'm being a good teammate, a good leader, and a good soldier aren't I? And so it was that I got there well before 8:30 and even got a chance to rehearse my schtick in my car on the way.  Gotta talk about UDS, gotta talk about Phishing stuff, gotta hand out my gift card.  Gotta make some jokes, make people laugh. The cool thing this morning though was that my staffer Lainie, who I just nominated for Employee of the month last week, actually won! How about THAT! And I did that at the last minute too LOL. And I did get some free bagels and some bland hot tea. Oh well, lesson learned for tomorrow. Bring your own Earl Grey LOL LOL. Actually, today's session ended way early. Much earlier than usual anyway. I was out the door and on my way back home well before 9:30... although with the traffic and all I knew I wasn't getting home before 10:15. At least not if I took side streets the way I did. Still i was home early enough to walk the dog. I didn't have to leave her much more than I would have if it were a normal day. And the best part was that I already got work done and so no need to push the rest of the day. I mean I do have work to do but why not savor the Rams win just a little more. Monday means all the football pundits are out in force reacting to yesterday's games. And of course the Rams were one of the highlights. So I watched sports news, then got a turkey roast from Marie Callender's for lunch. Then and only then did I start my walk in earnest.  Hey I still was at 7500 by mid-day. Still on track to clear 15,000+ today. 
And so it was that I just basically did the minimum amount of work the rest of the day. I tried to take a nap even but the thought of going after the 15000 steps today interrupted that. I couldn't allow myself NOT to do it in fact. I don't think I started that trend until spring of last year. This being the last day of the month, I reflected on how I stopped thinking about retiring. That's going to come, it's just something I don't need to chase. The money will be there too, which means when I do retire, I am a MILLIONAIRE. It just won't be on January 31 is all and that's ok. I still focused on a feeling of gratitude that I have all the money I need. Today and everyday. And in retrospect, January turned out to be pretty quiet. Nothing out of the ordinary is fine by me. Anyway, pretty soon, it was getting dark, which meant it was already 5 PM. I had gotten to 13000 steps and so hitting my target was all but certain. Last thing left to do on this Monday night was to pick up Johnnie and the dog. I called Lisa twice to announce that I was already on my way but she didn't pick up. Oh well, I guess she'll be surprised again. As it was, mom and son were in the kitchen when I got there. It was 6:30 and they had already had dinner. Good good good. Apparently Lisa has another early soccer game tonight and she actually seemed to be in a good mood. I mean she did complain about her staff yet again to which I responded to by saying "Join the club". We're all having staffing issues aren't we? actually I'm not really. I have what I have and I think all I do is the best I can with who I got. And more often than not it is good enough. If we were a football team, we're not the RAMS or the LAKERS by any stretch. We're not a team loaded with individual talent. WE are more the nondescript group that still manages to play within the system and wins a lot more than it loses. In other words I get the best out of my teams. And so the hand-off actually went pretty quietly tonight. I got myself my El Pollo Loco tostada salad for my dinner and then chilled the rest of the evening until bedtime. I'm headed to bed early actually. Another early morning is in store for tomorrow. 

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