Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Feeling 100% Better

If yesterday I felt like crap all day and tried not to make a big deal out of it, this morning it turned out to be just that: not a big deal at all. I don't know that I can point to any one thing that I did or didn't do, but I can say that other than minor minor sniffles, I feel like I'm back to my normal self. The only other marker that was out of the normal was my resting heart rate was all the way up to 81 today, a full 4 points higher than the highest it had been in over 2 years. This meant my body was dealing with something and I took aspirin first thing this morning to make sure it wasn't about any kind of inflammation. That and another heavy dose of some healing frequencies in the 417 Mhz range. At least I had the pop in my step back as I dropped Johnnie off at school, and then off I went to my meetings. At first it looked like I had 3 straight meetings this morning. But Eloisa called off the Business Continuity one which was scheduled at 8:30 and then Shilpa called in sick for the 9 AM one, leaving the morning clear for the 9/80 workweek project and the OCHIN Quality Reporting Meeting. I got my homework all done for the 9/80 project so I had no urgency whatsoever. And then after the morning meetings got all done, I was happy to take Claire out for a walk and make myself lunch. With all the extra food Johnnie left over I figured I'd make myself lunch with his penne pasta and with some of the taco meat to make a different kind of bolognese. Different this time not just because of the meat, but also because I threw in all the spices in the cupboard as if I was making stew, but put in a lot of extra Prego sauce to make it bolognese and you know it turned out pretty good in fact! Plenty of food and all done by 12:30. I could have taken a quick nap before the 1 PM Compliance Oversight meeting in fact. But I didn't. Somehow I knew that meeting wouldn't take the whole hour and I figured I'd take that nap after. I also didn't feel as tired as I did yesterday.
As it turned out I didn't take a nap in the afternoon. Instead I got started watching the latest Book of Boba Fett episode. They spent a lot of time with character development in the first 2 episodes, but now the plot lines were starting to evolve and dare I say thicken.  Anyway I never did get to take my nap because in the blink of an eye it was already time to pick up Johnnie.  I dare say I was anxious to see what his Covid test result was though he was definitely showing no symptoms of any illness whatsoever. In fact, look at him in the pic without a jacket. It wasn't like it was real warm out but he was definitely not cold.  And in the spirit of Covid-consciousness, it was Lisa that called a bit later on asking if she could use the at-home Covid test kit I had. Her throat was feeling scratchy according to her and she felt anxious about it. And so she dropped by the apartment and picked up the test. And proceeded to test negative when she went home. Hey at least we're sure. In the meantime, Johnnie and I had picked up pizzas from Dominos on Sepulveda: cheese only for him, sausage and pineapple for me. And dad and son had a fine dinner. I thought I was totally prepared for Johnnie entertainment tonight. I had the movie Rumble all downloaded and cued up. He had only been talking about watching it since Christmas. But for whatever reason, he lost interest not even an hour in. I thought he was evolving into liking monsters now. Monsters like Godzilla and King Kong. i guess an animated monster wasn't good enough. Neither were kaijus when I tried to get him to watch Pacific Rim. Nope, he wanted to watch Godzilla. Or in lieu of that, it was back to Peg the Cat. WHo knows about this evolution. Anyway I got him to make Brooklyn a card too considering he kept talking about how he missed that she's not around. Aww. The card got an immediate response from Brooklyn too courtesy of her mom. Ahh kids. THAT covered tonight's entertainment. Tonight I went to bed not because I was dead tired and not because I needed a lot of rest. It felt good not to have the distraction of feeling like I was sick. I'll be grateful for that any day.

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