Thursday, January 6, 2022

A Routine Day For A Change

I will admit at the beginning of the week I had no idea that this week was going to be so eventful in terms of meeting up with people and doing activities outside the house. I woke up this morning still full from the huge dinners 2 straight nights. And so you will pardon me if I actually looked forward to a routine day and about as quiet a hand-off with Lisa tonight as possible. With a meeting with the IS Team this morning, a meeting with the EHR team, and a meeting with my boss, that was about as routine as the morning got and that was just fine with me. It IS a Thursday after all and after the first part of the week, I'm thinking I'm going to be spending the next couple of days just processing actually. Johnnie in the meantime was just happy bugging me every 20 minutes or so. And I didn't mind myself. He would come in and pick a fight with the dog, just minding her own business just laying around. Or he would come in and play a game <see pic>. Actually I was happy he was giving me some kind of break through all my morning meetings. And then for lunch I made us both a BOBOLI pizza, half with pepperoni and pineapple, and Johnnie's half with just cheese. Turned out to be a pretty good lunch at that. And then after lunch I deemed my work day essentially over. I mean I did do that yesterday already when I tanked the rest of the day hanging out at Santa Monica didn't I. More of the same today, except that we just hung out at home. We played baseball, and got Johnnie some practice using his new mitt. He was missing a bunch of throws when I decided to put a little more zip on the ball, or decided to loft it higher than I know he was used to. All good though, he will learn. And then I let him watch a movie in the afternoon, goofing around with him in the process <see second pic>. This just about meets the 'more bonding time with Johnnie' as i am now making a concerted effort to increase my image cycling attempts to see how much those images would actually come to pass. Bonding with Johnnie is definitely an outcome. As is the Laker tickets that I decided to spring for for tomorrow night with Fed and fam. It's funny how I had a thought that I was shelling out a lot of money. Until I ran into old receipts from 2019 when I bought Lakers-Clippers tickets for Dexter, Yadira, and I the day before the NBA got called due to COVID. I sprung for $750 that time and I frankly never asked Dexter or Yadira to pay me back. It was all about the experience to me. And so the afternoon flew by and before long it was already getting dark and time to get dinner. We had not gone to Panda Express in more than a week Johnnie and I. Remember I didn't have him most of last week. And so I thought we'd get back into routine with some teriyaki chicken for Johnnie tonight. As far as the Johnnie hand-off, I wished for a quiet uneventful one, and pretty much that was what I got. Except that Lisa didn't come until it was almost 9 PM. I didn't care really. At least Johnnie had his before-going-to-sleep milk routine done. And when Lisa came I popped Johnnie on his seat, gave him a kiss, and told Lisa I'd see them this Saturday. Quiet and uneventful. A fitting end to a routine day for a change this week...

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