Saturday, January 22, 2022

Saturday Half Day with Johnnie

So Lisa has to work today and so I am at her house picking up Johnnie and the dog at 7:30 AM this morning. The past Saturdays I ended up keeping Johnnie until night time, even having to get him ready for bed at Lisa's house one Saturday night when she decided to work until really really late. I stayed there until 9 PM when she decided to finally come home I remember. Today, there won't be any of that. That's because Heidi, Jared and the kiddos are coming for the final slots in the afternoon and Lisa requested that I bring Johnnie to the office by 1 PM. Actually 12:30 if he wanted to help assist with any of the procedures. I didn't mind at all, since I have actually seen Johnnie for significant stretches of time this entire week, including MLK Day on Monday. Some early ME time would be good for me too. But first I wanted to maximize whatever time I had with him this morning. And I am not going to deny that I had so gotten used to having Johnnie with me for most of the day on a Lisa work Saturday that I actually felt a pang of hesitancy when she asked me to bring Johnnie over much earlier than usual. And so this morning Johnnie and I went to Elysee for breakfast. Johnnie must have been hungry from not eating as much last night as he normally would when he stays with me. But then again it wasn't like he didn't eat anything either. This morning he ate all the sausage and half the eggs. AND the croissant too. The only thing he didn't consume was the orange juice. Anyway we did our routine, hung out at Westwood and then to Target to pick up a few things. It wasn't even 9:30 AM yet and I could feel it was already going to be a warmer day than usual. And I am definitely not complaining. When we got home, we immediately went back outside. We had brought Johnnie's hoverboard with us. He seemed to labor when riding it last night in the streets although it WAS dark and you couldn't see the road and what you were riding over exactly. I wanted to see how he did this morning on MY neighborhood roads. And the answer can be seen in the video I posted. He didn't seem to have any trouble at all. And so this is another thing he has already learned. Johnnie noted that I taught him how to ride a bike and how to scooter a couple of years ago. This time it was his mom that got him to learn to do this. I was glad of course. Can skateboarding be too far behind? Anyway we got to ride around the neighborhood and I got some walking steps in chasing him of course. And then we went to Panda Express Westwood to get lunch. Yes, the morning went by seemingly in no time at all! Before I knew it, I was already dropping Johnnie and the dog at Lisa's office. I saw him putting his gloves on to assist. And that would be it for the rest of the weekend. With all this time on my hands all of a sudden, I did the thing that I do even when Johnnie was with me on a Saturday. I took a nap! AND THEN I actually started to watch NFL football! The Packers were playing those hated San Francisco 49ers after all and I'm not going to lie... I took great satisfaction that the Packers marched right down the field on their first drive and scored a TD. The Rams don't play until tomorrow but what the heck, I can watch football for my Saturday afternoon. Until the 49ers ended up pulling off the upset of the Packers! Damn those guys... Actually I ended up binge watching Wynona Earp. Yeah, just another series between a strong supernatural female character and some evil entities a la Van Helsing. What is it about series like these that has me binge watching? I know I could be doing other things. But then again I note that although I finished with 9000+ steps this evening, I managed only 9 active minutes. First time I had gotten that low in forever. Still I felt no urgency to step it up or to even get it double digits. I'll leave it right where it is without any special effort. And watch I will still have comparable numbers by the end of the week tomorrow. And so it was that this Saturday turned out to be a different one and I didn't really get much of anything done. Except chores and errands. Grocery shopping. Laundry. I guess that was the point. In that case, I did get lots done. That is perfectly fine.

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