Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Start Of A Short Work Week

A couple of things happened first thing this morning before I even got to start my day. First, I showered on a Tuesday morning, even before Johnnie woke up. It occurred to me that I didn't even shower yesterday since I was so occupied with Johnnie. And then this morning when I dropped Johnnie off at school, I saw Brooklyn getting dropped off by her grandmother. I'm sure Johnnie will love that since this is the first time Brooklyn is coming to school after the holiday break. She had tested positive for Covid last week and had to quarantine and miss the first week back from the break. That alone already makes it feel like things are finally back to routine. In the meantime, I got a lot of stuff done today, a heck of a lot more than usual and the puzzling thing is that I got them done quickly and I'm left wondering why it took me so long to get around doing them in the first place. With the long weekend, the first thing to get done was timecards. And then I had my team meeting. And then I had contract stuff to get to. And of course I had to work on transition stuff for the new network and the new Voice system. Lots to do. AND I got everything done EXCEPT my presentation for tomorrow's Tech Council Meeting. I did get started on it already so all I had to do was follow my own template for the content. It's just that I do have quite a bit of content. I'm thinking the meeting isn't going to go for more than 45 minutes, but then again you never know. It had not gone less than an hour in the past few months though I didn't really prepare that much content. Lots of people ask questions is all. What I ended up doing was putting my head down, getting my presentation done and I took breaks along the way. Lots of breaks. Walking breaks. I at least got to almost 6000 steps by the time it was time to pick up Johnnie from school. And by the time I did that, I actually felt like I had accomplished quite a bit already for today.
And I had one more thing I planned to do. After Johnnie and I got dinner at Panda Express, after he had his round of desserts, after I finally finished my presentation for tomorrow, I made sure Johnnie was occupied with a project. He wanted to make a drawing or pictures of his day sort of like news style. Perfect. I needed him occupied because I was going to FaceTime a woman I had met online just a couple of days ago. Tara was her name and she was a psychologist who works for the prison system and lives in Santa Clarita. She had actually sent me a like and a compliment and I responded. Mind you I get lots of those now. At least one a week on Match.com actually. But she was the first one in a while that I felt like I might be interested in. She had a nice profile and she looked ok. You never really know until you meet someone in person. And you wouldn't know until then if you have any chemistry, or if you have that attraction factor I call it. The last time I went on a date was way back in May and I knew then the attraction wasn't there. Or at least it wasn't mutual. So that didn't pan out. And so here I am almost 9 months later and maybe this pans out. One never knows. The ritual is the same always. You connect online, then do email or FaceTime to make sure the person is real and see if the other person is at least looking like her pictures on her profile. In this case, they did so who knows. The purpose of these first steps is always to get to the next step. And tonight Tara and I talked for about 45 minutes and then agreed to talk again. Is that how you build a friendship at first in an organic way? Who knows anymore.  All I do know is that I am not in any kind of rush to get into anything. And so we shall see. In the meantime, Johnnie started popping in to the bedroom when he got done doing his picture(s). And by the time I was done with my call, it was back to his pre-bedtime routine. One thing about meeting someone new is that inevitably I would talk about Johnnie because you know, they ask you about your kids. And talking about him makes me feel even closer to him as his dad. I put him to bed <on the couch> gave him a big kiss and told him how much I love him as he closed his eyes. Yeah... it was a good day.

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