Sunday, January 2, 2022

Finally A Nice Sunny Day

I woke up this morning to the early sunshine streaming through my window. Ahh, no rain at least, not for today anyway. Which means I can play a nice round of golf this morning. We're at Penmar today and after tea and a bagel and a nice visualization of how I'm going to shoot par on every hole today, I headed out to the golf course. I didn't get a par last week and I really didn't think I played that well, but then again, I didn't think I played that badly either. And so today I get to try once more. And see if I can at least show improvement. Last week the improvement was CLEARLY how to play from 100 yards and in as I was getting to that point near the green pretty consistently after 2 or 3 shots. It's after that where I was blowing it. Today we were paired up with a younger married couple and an older guy who seemed to relish talking about how he had a very young wife and kids in their teens, though clearly, he was older than Scott at 72. I chuckled at that while I continued to play and talk to him. So first hole, nice first shot, horrid 2nd shot, and on the green in 3, but so far from the hole I could only do a bogey 5. I screwed up the putts on both the next holes and then on Hole 4, I found a bit of a rhythm. Bad tee shot, but blasted the next shot near the green. And had a par putt that I missed. Same on the next hole. Tee shot already on the fridge, but blew the 2nd shot when it landed on some wet slop and never rolled. Sigh. So today it's my consistency I need to focus on huh? Could not put 2 good shots together. Hole 6 was the same, bad tee shot but blasted the 2nd shot almost 200 yards, but missed the putts for a 7. Hole 7 I had another bad tee shot that hit the trees but blasted the 2nd shot again pin level but way off to the left rough. I still got on the green on the next shot but again missed the par putt. Finally on the last hole I was able to put 2 good shots together. And I was less than 50 yards from the hole on the right rough. But again, my chippie didn't roll and ended up short of the green. And I finished with another 5. I'm disappointed I didn't get any pars again today. No excuse for that on this course. But at least I had 4 clean bogeys that could have would have should have been pars. Oh well. I didn't keep track of what Scott did. I think I won more holes than he did but really who cares? At least it was a nice day and I got to play.  
So after golf I drove to Bristol Farms Playa del Rey. It was barely 11 AM so I thought I'd get me a turkey sandwich and pick up a matso ball soup for Lisa. I was supposed to swing by her house because I left my thick quilt in her washer yesterday and she was supposed to put it in the dryer and I was going to come get it after golf. I dropped off the soup but my quilt was still in the dryer. So I went home, ate my turkey sandwich which ensures I wouldn't care what mom and son did for lunch, and then I went back to Lisa's house. At Lisa's request I brought some sushi from Whole Foods and a slice of pizza too. And so we all did get to sit down and have a little bit of lunch. More un-doing of what happened a week ago LOL. And I got to hang out and play with Johnnie for a couple of hours on a Sunday WHICH NEVER HAPPENS, while Lisa practiced piano. And when she got done, she declared herself exhausted. And still needing to run errands. That was my queue to go home. It was almost 4 PM already by this time. I had already watched the Rams pull out a come-from-behind win over the Ravens getting them to 12-4 for the year. I just did my usual round of errands. My own laundry for one. I was thinking about how I made it through another holiday season. Frankly it was more like surviving this one, considering Lisa's energy from the Christmas weekend.  And of course with the holidays over, we officially turn the page to a new year at work. And I'm sure I'm going to be really busy tomorrow. But THAT is tomorrow and I still wanted to express gratitude about the little things that went right this holiday past couple of weeks. I got a brand new Fitbit as a present to myself LOL. Despite not seeing Johnnie for about 5 days, I spent plenty of time with him. And I did get to see my own family more than I ever have in a few years. AND I have MORE than I had a year ago. Heck my combined IRA $$ went from $721,000 to $844,000. Can't complain about adding $120K to my bottom line. For that alone I am very VERY grateful. And so I ate my leftover spaghetti from last night with too much cumin, ate some nice hot clam chowder, and just fell asleep satisfied. Even excited for 2022. 

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