Monday, January 10, 2022

Specter of Covid is All Over the Place

So yesterday I mentioned my resting heart rate was at or near 110 all the way on the drive home. I didn't feel anything different, but I will admit to being unnerved. I was experiencing anxiety or my body was doing something. As I said I didn't feel any different. Until I started sneezing when I was going to bed late last night. And this morning I woke up with a scratchy throat. Uh-oh.  I wouldn't even have given it any thought at all... after all, Johnnie and I caught a cold from Gayane when the latter was at Lisa's for Thanksgiving. It was just a cold and I didn't think anything of it. Why am I thinking this is different now? I woke up to a full morning schedule actually. Johnnie may not be back in school today just yet, but I already had 2 meetings starting at 8:30 AM. And so I started my walk at 7:30 AM today. And made sure I was at the magic number 5000 steps for the morning. And at 44 active minutes. I was in good shape. Even when Lisa dropped Johnnie off at 11 AM so she could go to her doctor's appointment, I was just fine. I was prepared. I had macaroni and cheese ready for his lunch and the second the dog made it through the door, she ate the bowl of food that had been sitting there since the weekend. Doesn't anyone eat at Lisa's house?? As for me I made myself a mug of soup and some rice. I didn't feel like eating out.  And I must say, my body started to feel achy. No fever, so no Covid. But still. I would find out later on that Brooklyn had tested positive as did the rest of her family and she won't be in school for the first week. Man, I'm sure Johnnie will be really disappointed. He was looking forward to seeing her again after break. And then I got a message from Fed. It turned out that Anton and Sofia both tested positive as well. And of course all those meetings this morning dealt with this most recent surge. Not quite as serious apparently but still a surge. People testing positive left and right. And here I am starting to exhibit cold-like symptoms. All I know is that Johnnie tested negative last week so he's good to go to start school tomorrow. Should I get tested? Hey I'm vaxxed and boosted and I keep saying if you've done that you really don't have anything to worry about. I guess I get to put my money where my mouth is... 
So Lisa picked up Johnnie and Claire at around 4 PM. And she declared that she was going to Helms Bakery in Culver City to look at sofas. I guess she's trying to replace Ellen's sofa once and for all. Lots of memories on that thing to be sure. But perhaps it is time for a new sofa for her. Heck, it's time for a new sofa for me as I mentioned to Lisa that I am starting to look around for a sleeper sofa. That solves the problem of the extra room for Johnnie. He can just sleep on the sleeper in the living room. Heck he's sleeping on the couch now. Lisa invited me to tag along and I said why not... It brought back memories of 2012 when we were shopping for furniture for what was then her new office in the 6th floor. Man that feels like a whole lot of time ago. Lisa did her shopping Lisa style of course, which is to say she took her time and asked lots and lots questions. Which is her prerogative obviously. I sort of stayed with Johnnie and made sure he was at least occupied. After all, I'm shopping too, though I already know pretty much where I was going. Anyway, with the time travel all done, we all went to dinner. At Oops. 2nd time I'm trying to eat there in a week. This time it was open though Lisa bugged about me not reserving the outdoor table. So I had to take Claire to my house 5 minutes away. It was not a big deal to do just that but of course Lisa was fixated on the imperfection of the moment. And that was ok, since I was emotionally prepared tonight.  No arguments happening here. Just some sushi, and Johnnie's usual udon and then capped off with chocolate mochi. And then when we met up at Lisa's house <so I could pick up Johnnie's backpack> she started doing the measuring thing. I know enough to sense that nothing good will come out of this and so I waited for the moment to gracefully exit and then me and Johnnie were headed on home. Hand-off all done. Hey at least Johnnie had a pretty good dinner already. As did I in fact. And I let him watch his latest interest: Peg the Cat. Not sure how it is he decides on what he's interested in anymore. Last week it was Godzilla.  I got him to go to sleep early. Tomorrow is a school day after all. The first day back at that. Back to the routine. In the meantime I immersed myself in RIFE frequencies to combat the symptoms I am experiencing. And i am not sure at all, my mind is not creating this just because. We will see how I feel tomorrow...

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