Thursday, January 20, 2022

Bad Miscommunication

So the day after Tech Council Meeting Day is always considered by me as a breathe-out kind of day. In fact, in previous years, it would also be CCALAC Meeting Day that would pretty much take up most of the day, even though the meeting itself was only for a couple of hours. The key was that it got me out of the office, it made me feel good about the job I was doing at QueensCare, and I felt the respect of my peers. Most times LOL. Today I decided maybe I will join Scott and his friends for golf albeit at 1:20 PM. I always used to say my barometer for enjoying my weeks more would be if I played more golf during the weekday right? And so I did have a spate of meetings all morning that I had to do. And of course first things first means witnessing the daily play of Johnnie, Brooklyn, and Bailey as I drop Johnnie off at school <first pic>. And so I blasted through my meetings which really did take all morning, including a half hour interview with a Kennedy replacement candidate. That interview didn't really move the needle for me and my team and there was enough doubt there so that we decided we need to take a long at more candidates. OK then. My meetings got done by noon and then I high-tailed it to Los Feliz to make it Roosevelt Golf Course by 1 PM. I shoved some leftover pizza down my throat from last night, but since I did get there before 1 PM I decided to have a turkey melt too. And hey since I'm here anyway I figured I would just enjoy the patio view. It was a nice, warm day too... perfect for a round of golf. I pinged Scott to verify the reservation time and to make sure I was included in the reservation and he sounded like he was running late. So 1:10 came and no Scott. 1:15. then tee time 1:20. No Scott and no other people he played with that I had sight-familiarity with. That's when it hit me that he probably made the reservation for PENMAR, not Roosevelt. Sigh. Oh well. At least I had a nice 2 hour break for lunch. That's because it took a full hour to drive back home! See the pic I posted of the museum on Wilshire Blvd? That was my route home. And man was there so much construction going on EVERYWHERE or what? Oh well, it felt like the normal break for the CCALAC meeting at least time-wise. Back then when that meeting got done, I would find myself at Macy's on 7th or something simply to waste time until it was time to go home. In this case, it was 2:30 by the time I got back home. And at least I did get to get out and enjoy a warm day even if I didn't do anything active. I remedied that by taking a walk immediately when i got home. I would confirm later on that we indeed had a miscommunication and that Scott's group was at Penmar. Sigh. And so the rest of the evening went routinely. Or at least it seemed so. I picked up Johnnie at school, then we went to Whole Foods since I talked him into eating Italian sausage for dinner. Which also gave me a chance to eat pasta and same sausage for MY dinner. And then the surprise of the evening was that Lisa called at 6 PM to pick up Johnnie! W-h-a-t?? I didn't expect her to call until almost 9 PM like she had the last few Thursdays. Turned out I forgot she now has Thursdays off and switched her work day to Friday. She seemed calm and even happy on the phone! What a difference a day off made! I was happy to hand Johnnie and the dog off by 6:30 PM. That gives me time to clean up the house or just chill the rest of the evening away. And we made plans for me to pick up Johnnie at school tomorrow instead. All good. I get to see him one extra hour one extra day.  So the day didn't turn out like anticipated. But hey, at least I didn't spend the afternoon "working" LOL. Good enough for me.

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