Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Suddenly I Don't Feel So Good

So last night I noticed my throat was scratchy. And the timing of when I realized it was not so good because i was watching a video where Steve Doocy of Fox and Friends <not to worry, I was just watching a clip on YouTube, not the show> talk about this new omicron variant first hit him in the throat and he developed mild symptoms. Am I developing those mild symptoms? This is the problem these days. Before the pandemic, I'd just be thinking I was coming down with... the common cold. Today I'm wondering whether I should test for it Covid exposure? And not just for me, for Johnnie too. Already Brooklyn is home quarantining. I would hate for Johnnie to be in the same situation. And so what I did was make sure I was masked up and kept more than 6 feet away from him at all times this morning. All this took away from the fact that it is Johnnie's first day back in school from winter break. Back to waking up by 6:30 AM. Back to getting him to the front gate by 7:50. Which we did very promptly this morning. Too bad Brooklyn wouldn't be pulling up with her grandmother, at least not until next week. And at least it wasn't as cold this morning as it had been the last couple of weeks. In fact, it was a nice day out. So nice that when I ventured out of the apartment at lunchtime, it was downright warm. As if it were a late summer, early autumn day. It was in the mid-70s at least, which was good because I felt like crap. I ended up doing some RIFE Covid-specific videos over and over to try to get me feeling better. And actually, I think they might have worked too.
As far as work was concerned, I definitely tanked this morning as I felt like just taking a nap all morning long. No, this was not good. In the afternoon I did have a couple of interviews to do for Kennedy's position and I had to make sure I at least looked alive for those. One thing about my present condition that bothered me even more, was that my resting heart rate shot past 77 for the first time in years. At least for the time I've been wearing a Fitbit I think. Something is definitely going on with my body and it definitely is out of the normal.  Anyway I did manage to make it through those interviews, and then when they were done it was already 4:15 and time to shut it down work wise. Not that it took a lot of convincing myself, I still wasn't feeling good. But then again, other than the elevated heart rate, I didn't have any fever. My throat was a little scratchy, but not overly so, not even like it was Thanksgiving when I felt like I caught a cold full on from Gayane. I had a little stuffiness, but again not overly so. I did feel like taking a nap though. Honestly it felt like the day after when I got my first Covid shot a year ago. I slept it off and that was that. Hopefully, whatever this is, I can do the same. It was still pretty warm when I picked up Johnnie from school at 5 PM. And even better, it wasn't completely dark anymore yet. It's already starting to get lighter later. Johnnie was his usual self, jacket-less, dirty pants, and asking for a chicken noodle dinner when we got home. THAT I can give him. AFTER I pick up my own dinner at El Pollo Loco of course. Hey, at least he gets his churros right? The problem this evening was that I was so off all day that I never did focus on getting my steps in. I was barely at 6000 by 7 PM and I did not feel like I had any energy to go on. And so I lowered the day goal, if just for today. Maybe I can shoot for 8000 steps just for today. Funny thing was that my heart rate stayed elevated even when I wasn't moving. So much so I recorded 140+ active minutes today even though I could have sworn I wasn't even moving through half those minutes. Fortunately I summoned enough energy to go past 8000 steps, and when i did that then I got to 9000 steps, and then 10,000 steps. I don't know how I did it but I actually did make 11,000+ steps today, although my legs were feeling it at the end. I did a socially distanced toothbrushing session for Johnnie and put him into bed, while keeping my distance doing so. Can't kiss him goodnight tonight. But that's ok. He SURE isn't showing any symptoms whatsoever soat least I know he isn't infected. And chances are, I am not either. But what a strange day of feeling unwell. Strange indeed.

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