Saturday, January 29, 2022

What Is Going On?

Today started off innocently enough, with a trip to Rockenwagner to get croissants and other goodies for breakfast to bring to Lisa and Johnnie. Predictably, when i get to Lisa's house, mom and son, and dog, are in her bed just laying around. Not that I blame them mind you. It IS Saturday after all. I could have been doing the same thing myself. But maybe we're simply "celebrating" making it through last night without Lisa blowing up LOL. This being Saturday and all, I was expecting to take Johnnie for the morning and then drop him back off by lunchtime, simply to give Lisa some ME time. But first, I know she wanted to have a family breakfast, and not only did I deliver that, I brought it up to the room. And so I not only brought breakfast, I brought breakfast in bed.  Lisa did not even have to lift a finger this morning. That would be my gift to her for today. I mean it wasn't a whole lot to eat, but they WERE Rockenwagner croissants after all. And when we got done, I even did the dishes for her. I was fully expecting to be out of there with Johnnie by 9 AM. But for some reason, i felt like it was Johnnie that wanted to hang around his mom for a change. It was Johnnie that didn't want to go with me this morning. I felt this when we kept lingering in his bedroom for a bit, and then for a long bit. And then pretty soon, Lisa came up with a project for the morning. Apparently, they had an orbiting toy space shuttle Johnnie got for Christmas and it needed to be fastened to the ceiling via plastic wire. Now mind you, screwing something up in Lisa's ceiling is a whole other level of mishaps and caution for me. Heck I wasn't forgetting the grief I got with every single home project I ever attempted in this house. And so I simply let Lisa take the lead. She can fasten the screws herself with her fancy schmancy Makita electric screwdriver LOL. I did help steady her hand after a bit but really Lisa did it all. In the meantime, Johnnie wanted to make planets that the shuttle was going to orbit around. He made all the planets in the solar system in fact. And then I had to help him affix those in the ceiling. That was much simpler and far safer, since all he was using was the blue tape. At the end of it all, we had finished the project of the day: and the result was the shuttle orbiting around the planets and the sun, as shown in the picture I posted. The pic itself had a surreal effect even. The light aka the sun looked real enough to begin with. Pretty cool I think.  
And with that i told mom and son I was headed to the store and actually that would be it for Johnnie this weekend I thought. Which was fine with me. See, with Lisa's new schedule, I actually get to see Johnnie on a Friday anyway, which meant I get to see him 6 out of the 7 days of the week.  It was all I could ask for and more.  And I headed on home and did my grocery shopping for the weekend, all by lunchtime.  And for lunch I actually baked some nice salmon and the rest of the leftover clam chowder and the rest of the leftover sourdough bread.  Ok so maybe I was trying to replicate the stuff I remember from Fisherman's wharf. It did turn out ok. But Fisherman's wharf clam chowder this wasn't. What it did do was help me get a nap in for almost 2 hours! I had nothing planned except to do the work I needed to do this weekend so I can do TownHall Monday and not have to have anything urgent to do all that day. And so I did my staff time cards, headed out to Target to pick up gift receipts for the quiz I had the EHR team do, and downloaded all the data I needed to do HRSA reporting. Heck I even got a shower in today before doing all those errands. I was about ready to just binge watch on something for the evening when the fire alarm came on. What's going on now? This happened a couple of times before, both false alarms really. I was hesitant to head outside to wait for the fire department to show up. But the damn alarm was incredibly loud and so I HAD to get out of the apartment to go outside. To my surprise, half the building was already out there. Including my cute neighbor with the dog named NOLA. Hmmm, perfect time to strike a conversation huh? Except that I didn't. There were lots of other tenants there of course, but I just basically crossed my arms and just watched like everyone else did. This time there really WAS a fire. I could smell smoke when I left my apartment, and so I headed back and grabbed my wallet and my phone just to make sure. And we all ended up waiting out there for almost an hour. When we finally got told to go back, the fireman in charge asked for the occupant of #103. hey that's ME. What's happening now? My apartment was perfectly fine when I left to go outside. Turned out the fire was in unit 202 one unit to the north of mine upstairs. And not only was there a real fire, it triggered sprinklers. And there was now water all over the place. They were tryng to clean up 102, the unit next to mine. And then when I went back in my apartment, I was greeted lots of dripping from the ceiling. This is the SECOND time this week, my apartment got affected by some other unit's water stuff. And so like Monday I tried to get buckets under the drips and cleaned up the floor. I was going to let the drip die off which it would have eventually. But then the building people came by at 1 AM asking to see the water damage. And then they brought in this dehumidifier machine supposedly to dry off the bathroom. In the end, it was ok... except that all that water must have done something with the circuit breakers. Because now I have no power in any of the outlets in the bedroom. Just great. It was 1:30 AM already and I was tired. I let myself fall asleep on the couch. Got a tee time tomorrow at 9 AM you know. At least the leaks are under control...

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