Saturday, January 29, 2022

Ahh Friday

It's Friday and I already know I need a TANK DAY today. I know this because I already woke up feeling the lazies. No Johnnie to take to school, no dog to wake up at 6 AM to take outside to poop and still I didn't get out of bed until nearly 8 AM. Or maybe THAT'S why is that I had none of the usual drivers that would make me get up. Of course there would come a call from Lisa and today's version of drama. That would be that her phone conked out and she couldn't pull up the Daily Pass I gave her. And she couldn't call me in time to drop the dog off either. Nope. I had to go to her office and pick up the dog myself. I found her running around from operatory to operatory. How annoying must that be?! Hey at least they had a box of Yum Yum donuts in the kitchen. I helped myself to one. Sort of a reward for having to come out here in the first place right? Hey at least I was out and about already, and so I swung by Burger King to get their 2 sausage and egg croissant for $4 special. What a deal. Much as I like to fix my own stuff, it does get tiring to keep doing it day after day AND wash dishes afterwards too. $4 is fair enough to not have to do any of that. And then when i got home I realized I hadn't done anything. Not meditation, not the look at the markets that I keep telling myself I need to do in order to do something with my money, and definitely not even anything remotely work related. Hey, that's what a TANK DAY is supposed to be right? I figured, it's Town Hall week next week and I'm going to need to be on my game at least every morning, having to dress and get to the Health Centers first thing every morning. But that's next week. Today I found myself even getting in a really good low-frequency meditation session. It's pretty obvious the Universe is at least answering my request of getting aware of stuff I need to clear. And I do realize that that process is an ongoing thing.  Finally around mid-day I started stirring and waking up a bit. And I even made it out to La Salsa on Pico for some tacos for lunch. That's after I discovered that I liked La Salsa tacos. Today though they sat in my stomach and made it grumble. That's probably because I wolfed those down so quickly. AND THEN I did my walk around the neighborhood just to settle my stomach down.  I even took Claire the dog with me although she seemed a bit confused. Why are we walking so far I bet she asked LOL... 
So this being a Lisa workday, following the shift of her day off from Thursday to Friday, I picked up Johnnie at school. Lisa didn't actually have the day off last night because she chose to work. And so naturally she was not in a good mood when she picked up Johnnie and I was expecting the same tonight, not a week removed from that disaster of a pizza night just a week ago. But at least we could still have a decent dinner Johnnie and I. I got him his Panda Express usual and I threw in a broccoli beef bowl for myself too. And then of course came the usual videos and horseplay that characterizes our weekday evenings. Look at Johnnie trying to get the better of me with a blanket. I get out of breath trying to wrestle with him on the couch anymore. So last week Lisa came home around 7-ish. And when she called around that time I was expecting the same, although no dinner for all of us anymore since Johnnie and I already ate. What I didn't expect was that I was going to talk Lisa off the ledge again. She gets that way when she is in one of those hormonal moods, or when she gets triggered by her dad, or when she feels she has lost control with her dental practice. I simply explained to her that this is what happens when she worked yesterday. She is out of gas. And she needs to come home and forget about work at least for the rest of the evening. She still has the rest of the weekend to catch up. What I did not want to have happen is for her to have another one of those Lisa blow-ups. No need for that. For the life of me I do not understand why she simply can't think of coming home to that toothless grin of our son and the dog basically choking herself just so she could get held by her mom again. That would be enough for anyone. As it was she did finally listened to my advice and headed home. An hour later past 8:30 PM. By then I already drove Johnnie and the dog to her house. I gave the option to Johnnie of sleeping at my apartment tonight and he declined. Surprisingly, he would rather keep to the routine. And that is fine with me. I took him to her house and got him in his pajamas. And he even said he would wait for his mom to brush his teeth. Awww. See? No matter what Lisa is doofing around with, her son is still there waiting for her. At least she was in a decent mood when she did come home. It was past 9 PM by hey it's Friday and there's no school tomorrow. She even invited me to spend the night at the guest room. I politely declined BUT promised to come back in the morning with croissants for breakfast. All is good.

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