Monday, January 3, 2022

First Work Day of 2022

If this would be me going back to the office for the first work day of the year at any time prior to the pandemic, I know I'd be taking down Christmas or holiday decor, I'd be socializing with my co-workers, and I'd try to waste as much as possible while trying to work my way through the day. But this being 2022, it was more like 2021 really. I looked at last year's entry and it was really the first time I started ramping up my steps from 13,000+ to now 15,000+ norm. And so in order to do that, I knew I had to start walking early. And first I started with image cycling first thing while I was in semi-alpha state. And then I also realized I could do image cycling WHILE I was walking and doing my steps around the neighborhood. Fancy that. That was exactly what I did this morning. See the first pic I posted? Doesn't look like anyone close to ready to go in to the office does it? Yes I look half-asleep and tired, but hey unlike last week, it was already warming up by 8 AM this morning and that would be most welcome. By 9:30 AM I was already at 5000+ steps and almost 50 zone minutes, which is like active minutes but accounting for cardio minutes worth 2X regular active minutes. And then I put on my hot tea and took my shower. And got my breakfast in all before 10 AM. THEN and only THEN was I ready to get back to work mode LOL. Actually work for today was more of picking up where I left off on Thursday. Contracts to get input into the C360 system. A go-live on a new California law that created changes in the EPIC system. Timecards. Expense reports. Oh and let's not forget the HRSA bi-weekly covid report. Plenty to keep me busy all day. Not to mention it's Town Hall day on Wednesday and I still had to get my bit done. Gotta pick the music, gotta do my presentation. All of a sudden I sound busy...
And the thing was Lisa had asked to drop off Johnnie at 11 AM. She did not have piano lessons today. But she did have lots of other stuff on her schedule. An appointment to her physical therapist. Presents she had to buy. I was, of course, happy to get Johnnie and the dog out of her hair and into mine, if just for a couple of hours. Hey, it's hand-off night tonight anyway and I get him as per routine for the next 3 days. Just look at the pic I took of him goofing off just as soon as he got inside my apartment. I tell ya he is WAY different with me than he is with Lisa. Much more playful, much more physical. Just like his dad LOL. Anyway I got all my work done by 3 PM and with Johnnie watching his NEW favorite show, which was Nature Cat, he was otherwise occupied. I can't believe he was all into the Octonauts at this time last year. And couldn't wait for the new Jurassic World movie. Now he wants to watch Sing 2 and Rumble and even Kong Skull Island. He is definitely changing to be sure. So Lisa picked him up at 3:30 PM and talked about all of us going to dinner at Oops. Sort of a make up dinner for the Christmas holiday dinner we didn't have together. smh. I got to 13,500 steps by the time I was ready to go to Lisa's house at 5:30. Felt good about everything I got done today in fact. And when I got there, mom and son were already eating. Turned out Lisa turned on a dime just as she is prone to do at any time. She had a really late lunch, she wasn't all that hungry, Johnnie was hungry so she had to feed him. All pretty understandable really. So no dinner at Oops. I was perfectly fine going to the El Pollo Loco drive-thru and getting my double tostada chicken salad bowl and Johnnie's churros.  And I was perfectly happy just to get back to Monday routine. Johnnie reminded me we needed to make cookies of course. And he was right obviously.  I finished my 15,000 steps while Johnnie was watching more Nature Cat. I don't know if I like this new series. We'll have to see. I was fine with Johnnie learning about animals with the Wild Kratts. But Nature Cat? I don't know just yet. Anyway I let Johnnie watch until 9:30. This IS his last week of vacation after all. And while I was going to bed, my peace and tranquility was invaded by an email from Mar Vista Elementary. Now he will need to get tested for Covid BEFORE he goes back to school on Tuesday. Yep, Tuesday instead of Monday. I couldn't get an appointment booked. I guess we get to walk in to one of the testing facilities tomorrow.  The reality of the times. Covid is still forefront in all our minds...

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