Friday, January 21, 2022

Tank Day and Lisa Being Lisa

I already decided that I was going today was going to be a TANK DAY. No Johnnie, no dog, lots of ME time. Until Lisa called to drop off the dog with me right after she dropped off Johnnie at school. You see she swapped her Thursday and Friday schedule, so she now has Thursdays off and now works on Fridays. And so she obviously needed me to watch the dog. AND pick up Johnnie from school later. THAT part I didn't mind so much. I don't usually get to see Johnnie on a Friday. This way I do. And anyway, it was just the dog. I still got to do a lot of stuff this morning. Which included finding a way to rid myself of FEELINGS of "I NEED TO DO SOMETHING FOR WORK'. Feelings of annoyance and irritation of those that are asking stuff from me. Marina always, the new Director Starlette. And I am fully aware I feel these feelings of annoyance even while Eloisa is on vacation and not actually asking anything of me.  Just more feelings of "I AM SICK OF WORKING ANYMORE". I do need to pay attention.  That and the videos from Kyle Cease I watched this morning regarding money. I was basically getting reminded that what is happening in my perception of the outside world is merely a reflection of what I am focusing on. If I am manifesting not-enoughness, it's because I am focusing on not-enoughness. And the obvious remedy is to focus more on being enough and having more than enough. And being grateful for it already. Now. And so I did some meditation this morning on just that. Being grateful for already having a lot more money right now than I did last year and also the year before that. And for lunch I actually tried to put myself in the feeling of not being at work. In the past that meant simply sneaking out and going to watch a movie for a couple of hours. Today, I went to have lunch at the Century City mall. Went to Massis Kabob and enjoyed some koubideh kabob. And enjoyed the nice warm day that it was. I mean look at the pics of the Century City mall food court area outside that I posted. Can't do much better than that for a mid-January day. People walking around in shorts. I took the opportunity to make a stop at the Container Store to pick up plastic storage for Johnnie's toys that are starting to sprawl in my living room. I'm going to have to start throwing stuff out that's for sure. Anyway, I noted that 3 out of the 4 work days this week I was able to hang out and be places where I wouldn't normally be if I were still working at the office, and THAT makes a pretty big difference in terms of feeling a lot more relaxed. I even went home and took a little power nap in the afternoon, before walking some more around my neighborhood until it was time to pick up Johnnie. I normally do not pick him up on Friday but then again it isn't like I'm otherwise occupied anyway. I know Lisa and I made plans to do pizza night tonight. But a huge part of me knows that LISA BEING LISA means plans are by no means in concrete on nights that she works.  And so I made sure that at least Johnnie was fed. I picked him up and headed right to Mitsuwa Marketplace so I could get him some udon. That and some ice cream and it doesn't matter what Lisa and I end up doing for our dinner. Part of me wanted to get something to eat too. But then again, I was still holding out hope that maybe we could order that pizza at the corner at that pop-up stand and make a night of it. As it was, Lisa called around 6 PM and told us to go ahead and go over to her house by 6:30 PM. And so here's where it somehow unraveled. Lisa said she had eaten a whole bunch of cookies at work and so she really didn't need to eat a whole lot. She suggested we do pizza slices instead of the entire pizza. Already I knew we weren't going to have a pizza right then and there. Still we walked over there to the popup pizza stand. It had turned into a not-quite-so-cold evening with Santa Ana winds blowing. And when we got there Lisa was told they didn't sell pizza by the slice and we would need to wait 30-40 minutes for a whole pizza. More like an hour actually. Sigh. And so we just decided to go back home. But we couldn't just go back home. Johnnie had brought his hoverboard with him. And so Lisa decided we'd go back home the long way down Marco Pl and around to Maplewood. What-in-the-heck? I don't get to eat and now I have to do a walk even though I already walked 11,000+ steps anticipating that I wouldn't do any walking when I came down? Talk about out of sync! Still I didn't want to make any trouble. And so we all took that stroll. By the time we got back to Lisa's house it was nearly 8 PM and now I was hungry. I know Lisa would try to put something together to eat, even knowing full well that I HATE when she does that and that caused a major fight on Christmas Eve. She's doing it again. This time, I simply told her I'm tired and I wanted to go home. I gotta be back tomorrow early anyway since it is a work day for her. And I made a stop at Taco Bell to pick up a couple of tacos and a burrito for dinner. The win here was that despite Lisa being Lisa, Friday evening was not spoiled. And that we still managed to do SOMETHING together. I'll see Johnnie first thing tomorrow.

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