Thursday, January 27, 2022

Still Chill For the Week

I could write about routine all day long and maybe the difference would be the pictures that I post. Today's pic courtesy of the school drop-off for Johnnie. The only difference being whether we get to see Brooklyn and Bailey or not. Anyway, I'm home by 7:51 usually, a good predictor for next week when I have to do those roadshow Town Halls all week long for version 3.0. This morning we had that Director's Meeting for the first time since before the pandemic and we directors always say this is the place where we could iron out all kinds of stuff since really it's the C-suites that always comes up with directives and it is us who get to implement them. I'm pretty active in these meetings simply because it is the only way I know to create value and THAT is ultimately what I strive to do while I am still doing the job that I do. I hope my peers see it, I hope my executive management sees it, and I hope even prospective employees see it as I had another interview for the Kennedy replacement today. That interview all but killed any hopes of me getting out to Roosevelt to play golf and that's ok. I wasn't sure that they had a spot for me anyway. I was happy just doing my meetings in the morning and then skipping out to get lunch. THis time I went to Ralphs by Lisa's office and got myself some tri-tip steak and veggie sides. I always liked this lunch deal from Ralphs and I note that I've been getting this on and off for the last 6 years now. No difference between going to this Ralphs for lunch than the one on Olympic downtown and hanging out at the Starbucks across the street.  And then of course I had to enjoy another nice warm-ish afternoon doing my walk in the afternoon. This I could do every day for a while and not bug about it. I suspect I'd be doing this when and if I am retired living off my multi-million dollar nestegg LOL. Of course doing this walk strengthens that by doing my image cycling about THAT specific outcome WHILE I walk. Makes me feel double good in fact. Of course I do realize it is Thursday and it is hand-off night tonight. Lisa isn't supposed to be working on Thursdays anymore but then again she wasn't supposed to be working Fridays either and still found ways to make it to her office. I do not fault her in the least of course. What she does on her day off is totally her business. Though i would suspect she could use more of doing the self-care stuff that I just described. Merely walking around my neighborhood is DEFINITELY self-care to be sure. Anyway I went to Panda Express early today because I had it in my mind that Lisa was going to pick up Johnnie around 6:30-ish tonight, like she did last week. Foolish me though realized very quickly that no 2 Thursdays with Lisa are EVER the same.  And when I didn't hear from her around 7 PM, I already knew she was at her office. The difference is a mental one. When I give myself an end-point and my brain is expecting it, I become sort of obsessed with it. As in I was starting to count minutes after 7 PM. Not that I didn't want to be with Johnnie anymore. Far from it. Just a trigger that Lisa hits with me and I actually am very aware of that. I become aware that I am highly resistant of her and whatever it is she asks me to do. And I NEED to watch myself and let go of my own pre-determined expectations. At least she came by 7:30 and I was able to finish my 11,000+ steps and go on with my evening and even managed to go to bed at a decent 11:30 PM. This Thursday was chill and I welcomed that 1000%. Now to finish off the week the same way...

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