Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Since When Did Tuesdays Get Busy

So the title of the post reflected today pretty accurately. And that's because for whatever reason today became one of those days where I found myself putting my head down and working. Not that I wasn't supposed to mind you, just that this was like last Tuesday when I was cranking on my HRSA reports and putting together my Tech Concil presentation. That had some sense of urgency to it. Today, not so much except that I realize that I create my own sense of urgency anyway. I'm thinking, wouldn't it be great if I were back in Johnnie's world at 7 years of age and had less cares in the world other than to make it from one of the school to the other without getting "caught" by the bad guys? Some sort of game he and Brooklyn had conjured up. In the pic, Bailey <Brooklyn's sister> was chasing him to get a hug, which she does every morning we see her in fact. And Johnnie of course is running around and running away. The funny thing is that I also realize it is us that make our lives complicated when we grow older. And it takes a long long time, in my case decades, to realize that we are in far more control than we had thought. It took that long to become aware of the power of our own thoughts and that sometimes those very thoughts aren't exactly that of our own. Which is why I'm being careful of what Johnnie sees from me. I know he learns by example (modelling) and by the very words I use with him. Which is why I'm glad we've started to sustain the rhyming game that we do practically every day. And so it was that I dropped Johnnie off at school and then did my work day, focusing on reports, reports, reports. Not that we're behind on anything, just that I like to know data points. That's my thing you know. I like data. I did manage to take a break and go outside for lunch. That is, I took a walk to El Pollo Loco and ate lunch there. Sort of killed 2 birds with one stone actually. Had a nice lunch, enjoyed what turned out to be a nice day, AND got my steps in too. It would have been perfect if I got a nap in, but I got back to work just as soon as I got home. Is that work ethic? Or just a program? I'm not sure.
Each day I give my passion, my talents, my joy as a gift to the world. That was the affirmation I put on this morning and I must say it did move me. Maybe that was why I was motivated to work today. When I listened to those words, other words got magnetized to my awareness as well.
I provide massive value no matter what I do
. And so it was that I actually got quite a bit accomplished today. And even those that needed my help I was able to do whatever I could. I noted that Johnnie also greeted me when I picked him up... I helped someone today Dad. I helped my friend Emma. Awesome. I have him focused on helping people. Or at least those that need his help. He will come to know he has very special gifts and I, for one, am eager to foster them. Tonight he actually played games we used to play when he first started doing at-home learning. I introduced him to Education.com games at least 2 years ago, with Muggo and Cuz-Cuz. The games were easy then. Now I have him doing 2nd and 3rd grade math games. And they are a lot more challenging. As they should. He actually did games for a good couple of hours. All that right after we all had dinner. I thought it was amusing to post a pic of the 3 of us, me Johnnie, and Claire the dog all eating at the same time though we were all eating different things. We got Panda Express for Johnnie and I same as we always do on a Tuesday night but I augmented mine with the beef from Trader Joe's. And then of course since it's Tuesday I had to make cookies right? And while Johnnie was playing his advanced games, I got enough ME time to finish 11,000+ steps. AND catch the last minute of a Lakers win, rare though that may be these days. AND finally, UCLA blew out rival Arizona in a Pac-12 battle of #1 and #2. Ahhh the world is right again. The Lakers won, The Bruins won, and Johnnie is softly snoring while sound asleep by 9:15 PM. All is good.

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