Thursday, January 27, 2022

Time travelling

I did some time travelling last night in my dreams. I travelled back to the time I was into real estate. How I worked hard at all the foreclosure stuff. How I gave up my job and had no income source and had to live with Karl for a while. I did have some sporadic success though. Bought 2 houses in fact and got 2 other offers accepted that didn't get followed through on. Man can you imagine if I got that Norment house in Altadena now that I have money? And that house is now worth probably closer to $1M! Heck even thinking about the condo I purchased for less than $60K. The 1 BR in Hacienda Heights possibly worth more than $360K now. And what about my foray into the stock market where I held Amazon stock for all of 2 days back in 1998 for $86 a share. Not even going to think about what THAT would be worth now. Again, sporadic success. But then I also saw that I over-leveraged and maxed out my credit cards. I mean what was I doing buying a BMW when I already had a Hyundai station wagon that was going to last a really long time? All that to say I made a lot of questionable financial decisions in my younger days. And had to go back to the thing that I knew best, which was a job. And I turned that into a healthcare IT career from 1995 on. 27 years going strong. But I also could have gotten serious about finding alternative means of income. I had my chance when i left USC Dentistry. But that summer I was very much distracted by a new relationship that would turn into marriage. Maybe I wasn't ready to do the work-for-myself thing back then. I need to learn to do that. To create. CREATE A PASSIVE INCOME STREAM OUTSIDE OF A JOB. That was always the goal. And now that I have money socked away, I can actually work on growing it. Forget the misadventures, bad decisions of the past. I let those go. Now. And now I have more information, more resources, more guidance. I really have to get off my ass.

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