Monday, January 17, 2022

MLK Day Off

I am TRULY grateful to have the day off, also knowing that we won't have President's Day off next month. It is the day we honor Martin Luther King and even Johnnie and his class has spent time talking about the significance of his words and deeds. Johnnie was even volunteered to draw him for his class, which I thought was pretty cool. From a practical and logistic standpoint though, it felt like a Saturday which meant I probably was not going to get to my steps regimen until later. That's because Johnnie and Lisa called me first thing to ask me to come over for breakfast. Actually, Lisa was complaining about how sick she felt. Again. And that she wanted to stay in bed all day. I am sorry but I just don't commiserate with her as much as she would like. But I was happy to have breakfast with them and spend time with Johnnie, as she actually asked me to watch him for most of the day while she got some rest. Happy to do THAT. And unlike Saturday when I came empty handed and had to improvise, this time I brought bacon, and I brought milk which I was going to throw out by midweek anyway. And so it was that while Lisa lay in bed and debated with herself about how she was feeling and what she was going to do about it, I made us all breakfast. I made some pancakes with just flour so they actually turned into crepes, made scrambled eggs, hot tea, and heated up my pre-cooked bacon that I brought. <which by the way made Lisa jump in anger because she thought I was cooking bacon from scratch in her microwave. Funny, funny, funny> And so we actually had an even better breakfast from Saturday in my opinion. In the middle of all that, her cleaning lady came which actually made it ok for Johnnie and I to take our leave and take off for the morning. Like I said... just like Saturday. Johnnie was all too happy to hang out in my apartment watching his cartoons and without the dog even.  And it felt like the last 2 Mondays anyway, since Lisa dropped him off at 11 AM the past 2 weeks. And finally I did get started with my steps regimen and actually got to 5000+ steps before lunch. I don't even know how I managed that! Considering it felt like a Saturday, Johnnie and I went to Panda Express for lunch of course. That was after returning to Lisa's house thinking we were going to ferry her to Urgent Care to get her seen by a doctor. I don't really know how to get her to decide, but at least she decided she was going to just stay in bed all day. For Johnnie and I, it was like OK GOOD off we go back to the apartment. With a stop at Panda Express of course LOL. I'm thinking to myself do we really need to pander to Lisa the way we do? All she wants is some attention I guess. As long as I don't have to hang around her house all day, I am ok with that. Even though I know full well it is going to suck up some of my day off. As it was Johnnie and I actually got to just hang out for the afternoon. I got him to draw something which cost me $2, We played use-the-kali-sticks to score a goal with a balloon. And though we were having a good time, again we returned to Lisa's house to bring food. I brought split pea soup for her from Whole Foods, and El Pollo Loco tostada salad for me and I already cooked Johnnie's penne and brought my own broth. In other words, we took what we would have been having at the apartment and simply brought it to Lisa just so we could have dinner together. All that so she can come to some realization and verbalization that "I don't make her happy". Very hilariously funny. As if I was created for that purpose LOL LOL. Fortunately, I had had a good day and I just laughed it off as something she is not filtering and thinking out loud because she has spent more time with her mom. She still does not get that all this dissatisfaction is centered on her DAD, not me. What did she say this afternoon when we came by? She told Johnnie that dad does not get sick. Because he does not have as many stressors. And when she gives me stressors, I just ignore it. YES!!! I got it down!!! I'm even GLAD she sees that.  She wanted us to help her put away Christmas stuff too, but I think she simply got tired of trying to goad me into some drama. She just basically sent Johnnie and I off for the week. Which is a very very good thing. See ya!!! And with that I noted that not only did I finish my 15000+ steps today, I also did my HRSA report. On my day off. Oh well, at least Johnnie and I got to hang out. And we get routine back tomorrow...

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