Saturday, January 15, 2022

Saturday Morning with Johnnie

And so this morning's call first thing from Lisa was to verify that I was coming for breakfast. It turned out that Lisa is now nursing a cold, but she did manage to take care of her mosquito problem. I was happy to come over there only because it was the requirement if I were spending the morning with Johnnie. If that is the price then I am happy to pay it. As usual, Lisa talks as if there is plenty of food at her house. To be fair, she did have plenty of eggs. But I couldn't find any milk, and the pancake mix I found was something she had purchased so long ago. I always get perplexed because Lisa invites you over and she doesn't really have stuff that you might want to eat yourself. It's all about just hanging out I guess. I was aware of those thoughts in my head. I was fully aware they were not all that positive. I knew I had to work on my own head to make sure we simply get in and out of there Johnnie and I. And true enough, I could already sense Lisa was not in a good mood. She was on the phone with her mom and/or dad when i got there and I know he had said something or done something to her mom that pissed her off. That was the energy I was sensing. That Lisa was fighting back anger. Rage even. I did some mental exercise to quickly protect Johnnie and I. And then I made breakfast. I started hot water for tea. Made pancakes just so Johnnie and I could have something to eat. Anything to eat. And though we all did manage to sit down together, it was clear Lisa was in anger mode. I knew this because she practically kicked Johnnie off his chair when he was rough with Claire. Again. I did the dishes quickly. And finally we were out of Lisa's house. Yes I know everything is me pushed out. And therefore I too was fighting some negative thoughts of my own. But at least today it did not escalate. Johnnie and I headed off to Mar Vista park to check out the basketball league. But the gym wasn't even open. I had toyed with the idea of signing Johnnie up for Winter League, but not today I guess. In the meantime, almost the second we got to my apartment, we were clicked to loosey goosey happy mode.  First we took a shower, and then cleaned the shower walls too. That would officially finish cleaning the bathroom. And then when we got done it was already close to noon. And so we headed out and got lunch at Panda Express. It felt like we had such a skimpy breakfast, simply not one Johnnie and I are used to at the apartment. We made up for it at lunch. We ate Panda Express, AND dessert. And I let Johnnie linger for as long as I could. It was 2:30 before I returned him to Lisa's. I was hoping she would have at least gotten over her yukk morning.
We would find her in the piano room calm and quietly working on something. I'm just happy she's not raging about something. That's good. We left her with a Johnnie rendition from the opera Magic Flute. I gave Johnnie a hug and told him I'd see him on Monday and off i returned on home. The pic of he and I on the couch watching TV was identical to one from exactly a year ago. This is what we do on a lazy Saturday Johnnie and I. As soon as I got back I took a quick nap. Hey it is Saturday after all. And then I picked up where I left off with cleaning the apartment. I did the dining room and had no intentions of cooking anything this evening. After all, I had just cleaned the kitchen. Fortunately, i still had leftover bolognese AND leftover Egg Foo Young for my Saturday night. And I ended up binge watching Archive 81 on Netflix. This supernatural/thriller series. Had components of witchcraft, time travel, character connections you couldn't predict or anticipate. It was pretty good I thought. And I could swear there were a couple of moments were I really felt scared... as in hair in the back of my neck scared. Which meant the thing was shot very well, and the storyline was pretty sound. I don't scare easy. Not anymore with supernatural kind of stuff.  Anyway, I watched it all the way to almost 1 AM in the morning, fully aware that I had a golf game of course. Fortunately tomorrow's tee time is not until 9:30 AM so I can sleep in. In the meantime, I fully appreciated that today was all about getting out of the way of the negative stuff that comes up. And to learn to reverse that hold positive energies. I also found a way to be thankful for Lisa to keep being the emotional foil that serves as a reminder from the Universe. I know it can't possibly be easy stay as negative as she does as much as she does.  I wonder how surprised she will be when she realizes all that stuff was hers to control right from the get-go. I also noticed I took some time to do some work stuff tonight. Like downloading all the files I needed to download to get my HRSA report. I do have the day off on Monday but why not get it done so I'm not rushing on Tuesday? Goes to show where my head is too. The last thing on my radar today? I got not one but 2 pings on online dating site Hopefully one pans out?  We shall see...

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