Sunday, January 16, 2022

Golf and Playoff Football

So today our tee time is at 9:30 AM at Harbor Park. Chris had bowed out yet again at the end of last week, citing an inconclusive COVID test from Connor. I think he found yet another excuse not to play and that is ok. We'll keep giving him chances if and when he does reach out. In the meantime, Scott and I do just fine getting paired up with random people. Today it's with a couple of Harbor locals actually and a nice old guy who doesn't play all that often. <Funny he played well enough actually> My first 3 shots off the tee were absolute bombs right down the middle. And the one on hole 4 was a nicely  placed shot less than 100 yards from the hole. If only I could be consistent and string 2 or3  good shots in a row. Maybe THAT is the goal right? To put a string of good shots together. On the first 2 holes, those nice first shots were followed by absolute stinker misses, both almost going way out of bounds. How do I not focus. All I gotta do is dig under the ball. Instead I top and miss right off boat 2nd shots. Finally on the 3rd hole, my 2nd shot was ALSO an absolute bomb. 2 shots in and I was already less than 60 yards from the hole. Long story short, I missed my par putt on that hole. But I got a 2nd chance and got a par putt in the next hole. Missed that too. And I got a par putt 3 more times in the next holes. Missed all those. Sigh. And so in the end, after the disastrous first 2 holes, I actually settled down to play pretty well. I have GOT to find a way to bottle what I'm doing on the tee shots which is now pretty consistently hard hit and long and straight. Couldn't complain at all. Anyway, those 2 locals we played with didn't play any better than I did, or not THAT much better anyway and I'm sure they play this course much more often than I do. And so I was satisfied that we were able to hang with them for the most part, although Scott looked visibly disappointed with his game today. I didn't shoot any pars but at least I was close and was putting for those on 5 holes. Some of those putts I really should have made too. Oh well. In the end, it turned out to be a warm day, in fact, so much I didn't even wear a sweater to the golf course. Should have worn shorts in fact. And after golf I made a stop at IN-N-Out El Segundo of course and there was no one in line. This is what I like. No long wait at all. Just my double double washed down by a Coke. It was already a pretty good day. 
And so lunch all done, I was ready to take a nice long nap for the afternoon. After all I did mention I didn't sleep a whole lot last night and I needed to catch up. But I got caught in NFL Playoff football for the afternoon. As in I ended up watching the 49ers and Cowboys. I mean the Rams weren't even playing until tomorrow night and I got sucked in to watching the game. Especially since the Niners pulled off the upset for the 2nd weekend in a row. Of course Dallas playing pathetically the way they did sure helped SanFrancisco along didn't they? And so it was that just that act of watching that football game shifted me into LAZY mode. I didn't feel like doing much of anything. I didn't feel like finishing the housecleaning that I started on Friday any longer. Heck I was already up to 11,000+ steps today and all the way to nearly 200 active minutes. For the 2nd Sunday in a row, my resting heart rate elevated past 110 for at least an hour after I came home from golf. I had to tell myself that there wasn't anything wrong and that i was not having a cardiac event. Last week I thought my body was fighting off something actually. Remember I caught that 24-hour bug and I didn't get rid of it until mid-week. No such thing today. In fact, I stopped by the drugstore after golf and picked up some Zycam. We're all so stuck on COVID that we almost forget there is still such a thing as the common cold. Anyway what I ended up doing was watching Iron Fist re-runs. Hey, it's Marvel isn't it? I don't have to work tomorrow. I can do anything I want and sleep in. Of course who knows what will happen tomorrow... we'll just have to wait and see.

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