Sunday, January 9, 2022

Sunday Golf At Roosevelt

It's been interesting playing golf without the usual foursome that we used to have. Without Chris and Greg, Scott and I have carried the torch. But that also meant playing with different people every Sunday. I used to worry about that, but not anymore. I've gotten sort of used to playing with different people every week. Today for example, we were paired with Michael, who we played with before and who plays Roosevelt daily he says. Of course, he's good! He reminds you more of Ja Morant the NBA player rather than a golfer, but the guy can hit his irons 200+. In fact, he showed me the certificate of him hitting a hole-in-one on Hole 4. With a 3-wood! Pretty amazing. As for me, there was no special visualization this morning. I figured all I needed to do was slow down my swing and keep myself from overswinging and overthinking. I can only do that during the moment of impact, the time I'm actually swinging the golf club. Of course it also felt good to visualize getting a bunch of pars today, considering I didn't get any the last 2 Sundays at Penmar. I took care of that right off the bat. I blasted my very first shot 200+yards then chipped on to the green with a bump-and-run 7 and then 2 putted for my par. YES! Another par on the first hole. All in all, I actually played pretty well today. Except for a couple of holes. That would be Hole 2, where I hit my first 2 shots right to the base of the hill. And then took 5 shots more to finish. How do I do that? I mean I showed a propensity for recovering today. Hole 3 tee shot ended up 20 yards from the tee and to the right. But I nailed the 2nd shot right to the green. And on Hole 4, I hit my best shot all day. I blasted the tee shot 220+ yards just to the right of the sand trap. And then got a pitch right on the green on the 2nd shot. I missed the birdie putt but made my par. 2 pars out of the first 4 holes is not too bad. Hole 5, the halfway point, my first shot landed just 60 yards from the pin. but i screwed around and ended up with a 6. I did get a 4 on the next 2 holes, both landing on the green in 2 shots. Hole 7 I blasted the tee shot right down the middle 200 yards. But I hit the next shot into the trees, and then the shot after that into the bunker. Oh well. My 2nd poor hole. Not too bad though if I screwed up on just 2 holes out of 9 and the rest were pars or bogeys. I would say that is a pretty good day.  From there I got lunch at IN-N-Out. And then I noticed my resting heart rate stayed up past 100+ on the drive home. WHy was that? Was there something wrong? I didn't feel sick. Maybe I'm dehydrated? After all, it was in the low 70s this morning. Am I anxious about something? Am I in the middle of a full-blown panic attack? In response I went home and chilled the rest of the afternoon. I noted that my heart rate was below 100 inside of an hour, below 90 in another hour and down to 75. That's after logging in 200+ active minutes because it was in cardio mode for most of the golf game and then a couple of hours after. In the end, I guess I don't have anything to bug about. Other than the RAMS losing an OT game to the 49ers after having the ball and the lead at midfield with 1:57 to go. Man that defeat hurt. And then to add to the total sports failure of a day, the Lakers got taken apart and blown out by Memphis. Are they that bad that now they can't even beat Memphis? Wow. Oh well. I basically just shut down after those games, though I did venture out to get some grocery shopping done. Sunday over, weekend over, and next week Johnnie goes back to school...

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