Sunday, January 30, 2022

At Least the Rams Are Going to the Super Bowl

Yesterday's post was titled "What is going on?" I should have known when I found out today that Mercury is in retrograde for the next couple of days. And maybe that would help explain how badly I played at Penmar today. To make a long story short, I hit mostly double bogeys on most holes, with a couple of saved bogeys in between. But this is Penmar. I always tell Scott that there is absolutely no reason why we don't have at least 3 pars each and every time we play here. And I don't really have an excuse. The weather was another nice, warm, beautiful Sunday. The tee time was not early at all. In fact, I had time to have breakfast at the apartment before I headed on out to the golf course. I could say that because of all the hubbub with the fire in my building last night, I didn't get enough sleep. I didn't really get to fall asleep until 2 AM, but still, I ended up with about 5 hours of sleep. Certainly I wasn't walking around dazed and sleep deprived. But I sure played like it though. Remember that streak I had of hitting pars on the first hole the last few times I played here? I could at least point to that as a consolation no matter how good or bad I play? Well that did not happen today, a predictor of things to come I guess. I shanked it badly to the left. And although I saved myself with a great 2nd shot that got to within 10 yards of the green, opening it up to a bump-and-run Arnel special, that didn't happen. I bumped it way past the hole and I missed the putt. Barely, but I missed it and ended up with a 6. On that hole. 2nd hole, I hit it so badly to the left AGAIN that it almost went out of the yard. It did hit a tree and shoved it way right... which happened again and again today. Again a great 2nd shot landed me near the green. But I misplayed the next 2 shots into another 6. 3rd hole, another bad shot off the tee and into the trees on the right. But I bumped in pin level off the rough. But again I missed putts for another double bogey. Same thing again on Hole 4. Way off to the left. Again. Hole 5, Hits the tree on the left pushing it way to the right. Hole 7, i did hit it out of the yard and I was lucky it didn't hit a car. FINALLY on Hole 9, I hit it fairly straight off the tee. Man, this was the way I USED to play back in the day when I was badly inconsistent. Man did I lose my focus or what? I could never get it back either, or better put I never could get the right focus for starters. Oh well, one of those days where I simply didn't have it. At least I hadn't played like this in a really long time. Months! Like I can't even remember the last time. But boy was it a stinker for me out there. Nothing to do but work on playing better next week <sigh>, and console myself with a nice lunch from Crimson like I used to do. That meant I ate there at the restaurant. My usual salmon kabobs and rice and lentil soup. I did that because I wanted to go home and take a nap and be awake for the RAMS NFC Championship game. Not that I wanted to watch it. OH I'd be far too nervous to do that. I wanted to do what I could in the 3 1/2 hour stretch to keep myself occupied. And that meant getting around to doing my HRSA reports, doing timecard approvals. Work stuff. I did get my nap in actually. And then I made some bibingka. Otherwise known as mochi cake from Trader Joe's. Pretty good though. I know it's the real deal because the one piece I ate sat in my stomach for the rest of the afternoon like a piece of lead LOL. And so I got my butt to work and kept hearing the quarter-by-quarter updates from ESPN, all the while resisting the urge to look up the score. By 6:30 I knew the game wasn't over yet. And one of those ESPN updates sneaked through while I was taking a break and playing CANDY CRUSH. The Rams were behind by a field goal. There were 6 minutes left in the game. Aww, the RAMS can pull this one out couldn't they? History said no. The Niners have won 6 in a row against the Rams. Imagine my surprise when I finally did peak just as the game ended. The RAMS DID pull it out. 20-17! They're going to the Super Bowl. Ahhh. Now on to all the post-game stuff. The Rams won! The Rams won!!

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