Monday, January 24, 2022

A Chill Kind of Monday

I woke up to a sunny Monday morning and I'm still perusing videos on the Rams win yesterday. Yeah I know I know I have to do my meditations, I have to visualize what I want to experience today. Really, it's simple. I want to feel like I had a nice, relaxing work day. After all, my back is still a tad bit sore from whatever I did yesterday. Couldn't be just that last bit where I chased a golf ball down a ravine could it? Or maybe it was that I was slamming the bell pretty well on almost all my tee shots. No the spasms felt real enough and although not quite as bit this morning, I still felt slightly sore. Not sore enough to dissuade me from doing my steps though. I am determined to keep up the 15000+ steps on Monday streak. And that meant to have 5000+ steps and at least 40 active minutes under my belt by 10 AM. I did that one better. I not only had 5100 steps, I did it with 50 active minutes too. Not that I wasn't logging in active minutes. Hey didn't I already give myself the Saturday off with just 9 active minutes all day? I still ended up logging more than 550 active minutes for the week! And so when I say I wanted to have a relaxed work day today, that meant blowing off a 9 AM meeting that I simply delegated to Noriel one of my guys. That meant stopping and having an intentional hot tea for breakfast. That means simply enjoying it. That meant not only doing my steps, but also doing my image cycling as I did them. And watching whatever anxieties came up. And finally, that meant simply getting to those tasks I put off last Friday. Including getting my auto insurance paid since I got a letter saying they had cancelled me since I didn't make the payment. What kind of test is THAT from the Universe? To pay attention? I took care of it in 10 minutes logging on to the website of course. Maybe I simply needed to be reminded to watch things from falling through the cracks. Any way the best thing about this morning was that I got myself a tuna melt from Marie Callenders. And I enjoyed it at the fountain/barbecue area by my unit. I was alone and that was great! I enjoyed my sandwich and the warm sun in my face. As if I was at Grand Hope Park on a Monday downtown.

Later on I got reminded that next week is Roadshow Town Hall week and that I needed to prep for it some. That is when I have to be in work mode for most of the week. But it also gives me an excuse not to think about or do other stuff LOL. Today, I also enjoyed more of the warm sun in the afternoon by taking more walk steps, I noted to myself that it was MLK Monday just a week ago and even though I had Johnnie like it was a Saturday, i still managed my 15000+ steps. And with no such excuse I got to 11,000 steps before 4 PM even. I knew it was pick up day too, but I waited until 6:30 PM before I headed on to Lisa's. When I got there mom and son were having dinner and I sort of got the feeling Lisa was surprised that I showed up without calling first. Ok maybe I should have called. She told me their first game of the new soccer league is tonight. So it was probably good that I showed up when I did, though she says it is early. She is just milking all of her time with Johnnie and I do understand. I would do the same. She also muttered something about these are the times she hates that we are divorced although I KNOW she is just talking without a filter, and it doesn't really mean anything. My mind reminds me: It's moot. We ARE divorced. And we ain't getting back so there's that. Who knows what she is really thinking about other than stuff that is bound to keep her in a state of unhappiness. In the meantime, as I told Johnnie later.. "Do whatever your mom asks you to do when she needs stuff cleaned up so we can get out of there as fast as we can. The sooner we're back in the apartment, then  we can do what we do." That was what it's about for me. I get to do what I do. When we got back to the apartment though, it wasn't back to what we do. That's because we walked in to a leak from the upstairs unit that has bled into our bathroom. As in everything was wet in the bathroom. What the heck?? I had to call the apartment management and they had to dispatch someone on an emergency basis. Turned out there was some kind of water leakage upstairs though we never got to confirm it. When the occupant turned the water off (most likely), the leaking stopped. And I got to clean up everything. Was this another one of those "pay attention" messages from the Universe? Or a rap on the head because of some emotion Lisa evoked. Either way it was simply a minor inconvenience and we got on with our evening Johnnie and I. Last year I remember my boiler went out. Echoes of something I'd say. And just minor inconveniences all. 

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