Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Another Tech Council Meeting Day

A Technology Council Meeting Day on a Wednesday means that is where my focus is at least until 2:30 PM when it's over. And what happens when it IS over, you see the first posted pic. That's me taking a walk around my neighborhood padding my steps count. AND trying to get at least 70 active minutes for today, metrics that at least ensures that I am active and moving. AND I get to enjoy a nice warm-ish afternoon in mid-January. In other words, I am taking a breath out not that I was all that stressed from the meeting. The nice development as of late is that the Communications Meeting we used to have the week before the Tech Council Meeting is now the same DAY as the TEch Council Meeting and so really it's sort of a rehearsal since I'm presenting pretty much the same information as the Tech Council but very much abridged.  I feel like I keep spouting the same information in fact, but then again is anyone really paying attention? Do they really care? I feel like most are ok knowing I am at the wheel and that I have everything under control. As it was I did get cranking in the morning, catching up on lots of stuff, including Meeting minutes from 3 months ago that I didn't do. I got 3 months worth done inside of an hour! AND I managed to meet with the Data Team to assure MYSELF that things are under control. AND I got a troubleshooting meeting with OCHIN done before the TEch Council. In other words, I got a whole lot of stuff done. And as far as the meeting itself? Other than using it to educate the new ones that were there, I was anticipating a quick meeting. Then again, this meeting usually meanders certain directions and I don't really have any idea which way. Today, it was the FRB return-to-work plan and getting hardware replaced and making sure we're in the state of operational readiness in case we DO get called back at any time. And so what happened was that the meeting itself took the entire hour, which was unexpected to be sure. But I felt like I did get some good content discussed, a couple of asks where noted and the meeting went pretty good I thought.
And so I did my walk and then chilled on the couch and relaxed until it was time to pick up Johnnie at school. He had is usual download when he came out of STAR of course and he had his usual stack of artwork in his bag. I reminded him that it is pizza night tonight and so I got our 2 medium pizza from Dominos, one cheese, one sausage and pineapple. And I noted that once we got the route and routine down, it actually takes no more than 20 minutes out of our way to get our pizzas at the Sepulveda location. That is contrasted to picking it up at Domino's Pico Blvd or that first we went when I took the Culver Dr Route and got stuck there for a half hour. Now it's eezy-peezy and Johnnie and I had plenty of food for the evening. The picture I posted was after dinner when Johnnie shifted to play mode and started to dance to the Magic School Bus music episode. I'm glad he has reverted back to that, from Peg the Cat, and before that from the Wild Kratts. Look at him dancing around. And actually this evening, I gave him a treat. Since he always asks for dessert, and then a double dessert after that, he and I went for a walk. That's because he wanted to print out his artwork for the week. We had to do that at Staples of course and what better way to finish off my 11,000+ steps tonight than to walk there and back! AND on the way back I promised him a chocolate pop dessert from Starbucks... Except Starbucks closed at 7 PM except for the drive thru. Oh well, a promise is a promise. And so we went back to my apartment garage and took the car and got his chocolate pop from the drive thru. AND Johnnie "bought" me a hot tea as well. After all, he said he had $2. Enough money to purchase his own chocolate pop. And if I added a little more he said, I could also get a coffee or a tea. I LOVE LOVE LOVE that he now has an awareness of money. And so we ended up not only having a nice evening walk, which was definitely out of the normal routine, but we got him a dessert also out of the normal AND his pictures actually turned out to be pretty cool. And so it was that I had a pretty good day and when I tucked Johnnie in to what is now his bedroom <the couch in the living room> we both thanked the Universe for such a good day. I wasn't done yet. I watched the latest episode of Boba Fett to wind down my evening. This episode had connections to the last couple of episodes of the Mandalorian Season 2. I liked it. As I drifted to sleep I reflected again that it really was a pretty good day.

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