Monday, October 24, 2022

Rejuvenating On A Monday

Wasn't it just a week ago I was half-asleep wandering to Lisa's because she had to drop Silvia to LAX at 5:30 in the morning and I had to watch Johnnie... and take him to school... and take Lisa to her medical appointment? Today I finally got to make up for the past couple of weeks of hecticity (is that a word?). I got into the usual Monday meditative space. But instead of just focusing on the week and how I visualized it to be eezy-peezy, I also got to focus on other things. Mainly about the root causes of my own FEAR and ANGER. It seemed like I was getting gently nudged into examining these negative emotions that still permeate my day-to-day.  Which is why I went back and sort of created a logo. Create AMAZING. That is what I want to be the cornerstone thought of my day-to-day. And because I was able to focus on that I think, I had one of those contemplative in-the-moment kind of days typical of some Fridays. Maybe it was because I had just done all the must-do stuff this morning yesterday already. That would be approving timecards, doing the HRSA Survey, vaccine stock, blah blah. It made for a clear morning. Of course I still had to do steps as per routine. But I found that to be effortless too. As in I was already at 65+ active minutes after just 5000 steps by 9 AM. Even the rest of the morning seemed to be spent on RELEASING. Ego Dissolution. Letting go of FEAR and ANGER trapped in my physical body. AND also focusing on the images I want. How it would feel knowing I have optimal health and having no worries about any disease. Not thinking about the stuff I had focused on in my urinary system practically most of this year to date. How it would feel if I had created financial flow such that I don't have to work for a job anymore. And this morning would be what it is like EVERY MORNING. That put a smile on my face. I DON'T HAVE TO BE AFRAID. I AM ENOUGH. and THE UNIVERSE ALWAYS HAS MY BACK. In the meantime, I THANK my SMALLER SELF or EGO or whatever it is that creates chaos in my life. IT GOT ME TO PAY ATTENTION. Even Lisa's dramatics is something PUSHED OUT and NEEDS ATTENTION. Maybe not Lisa even specifically. But my own attention. I know i will get tested. My work is to stay the course.

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