Monday, October 17, 2022

Why Working From Home Is Cool

So Lisa didn't tell me until the last minute (last night really) that (a) Silvia and Cecille were going to Vegas today for the next few days (b) she had a medical appointment at 10 AM for her medication infusion which is going to take a few hours. How does this affect me you ask? Oh I don't know... maybe because someone has to watch Johnnie while she is dropping off Silvia to LAX at 5:45 in the morning?! And because she needs a ride to and from her medical appointment? Of course she didn't tell me... simply because she knows I'm always available to help her and of course I will always watch Johnnie whenever needed. And so here I am half-asleep wandering out of my apartment at 5:30 in the freaking morning heading over to Lisa's house and when I get there I immediately head to Johnnie's room so I can continue sleeping. In the meantime, Johnnie had apparently slept through the night and I was wondering how he was feeling this morning, in case we had to hold him back from school today. When Lisa left he must have been aware that I was there because I heard this raspy "Dad, I can only whisper right now". I got him in his bed next to me in his room and got him to sleep some more until 6:45 which was usually the time I would get him up for school anyway. Lisa had come home earlier than that obviously and had gone back to bed as well. So Monday was already different at this point. I did manage to get Johnnie showered and ready for school with the thought that he was still going to go. Yes, his voice was raspy and he was coughing but I didn't feel he was sick enough to miss school. Except... for that puss coming out of his neck! What the heck is that thing? It had been flowing out since yesterday and quite a bit too. All I will say is when I got him to school, his friend James noticed it immediately and started spreading word that Johnnie was contagious! Great. Damn kids! I wish I had brought a band-aid and said so out loud that Johnnie should get a Band-Aid from his teacher. Enter his classmate Emari who must have been paying attention because she came up to Johnnie with a Band-Aid. Aww. How sweet was that! She notices him. Of course Johnnie is oblivious. I had to get him to thank her already. And so I left him there and before heading back to Lisa's house to take her to the doctor, I did 20 active minutes walking around the school. I am determined to do the Monday routine of 15000 steps and 150 active minutes despite the day already being so off-routine. Finally I dropped Lisa off at her doctor's at 10 AM and I got to go home with Claire. This being a Monday of course I had lots to do. Stuff from last week I hadn't gotten to. Catching up on my steps and exercises, though the pic I posted only showed me doing those pelvic stretches that are supposed to help the prostate. AND I made myself my usual tuna sandwich on SD toast and tomato soup. I finally felt caught up.
I was thinking I didn't need to pick up Lisa until almost 3 PM. And by then I was going to pick up Johnnie early too. Except that mom and son had a different timeline. First Lisa called letting me know she'd be done by 1:45. Uh-oh. I had a meeting at 2 PM. The Roadshow prep meeting. It's going to cut it close. I picked her up, she was out on time but it took 20 minutes to get back across town to her house. I had to do my meeting at Lisa's backyard. And I was 8 minutes late. And her internet kept dropping me. Oh well, at least I made the meeting and got through it ok. And almost immediately when the meeting got done, it was almost 3 PM and I get another call. It was Ms. Cardona, Johnnie's teacher. Apparently he thought he was getting picked up at 2:30 and was upset when no one came to pick him up. Argh! Who KNEW he would internalize being picked up early! I dashed on over to the school, picked him up, and everything was ok. In the meantime, Ms. Cardona let me know he was coughing pretty badly and was listless the entire day. Great... now I'll be judged for sending my kid to school sick<sigh>. At least I did get him and then we went to Trader Joe's. picked up chicken for tonight's dinner and dropped him off at Lisa's so he could sleep some more before dinner. It really is totally a THING that Johnnie will act sicker when she is with Lisa. I went home and worked some more, marveling at the thought that today would not have been possible prior to the pandemic. Today was made possible by the fact that I worked from home and I am grateful for that. When I returned to Lisa's house to pick up Johnnie, she was in the kitchen, preparing her bulk meals for the week. And she was making Johnnie chicken noodle soup. He was on the couch still lying about. He still hadn't recovered his full appetite I don't think, but he did eat a whole bowl of pasta. And his poop wasn't out of the normal. He still needs to catch up on sleep and rest I think. So we had a family meal for a Monday night and we all commented that his birthday decorations were finally all down and done. Of course I had to take the garbage cans in, do the dishes and Johnnie had to put away his toys and then finally we could be excused LOL and go back to the confines of my apartment. Tonight Johnnie is in bed before 9 PM. I'm pretty sure he'll be ok by tomorrow. I went to bed early too. I got a lot done today. More for Lisa than anything. Lucky for her I work from home. Lucky for me too :)

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