Monday, October 10, 2022

Recovery Day For All Of Us

How hard did I work yesterday? I logged more than 17,700 steps - the most I have done in any one day in many years. And my back felt it last night. Johnnie was tired too at the end of the day, so much so he was yawning heavily before it was even 8 PM when I left. And so it was no surprise to me that Lisa called this morning letting me know that she was holding Johnnie back from school. I was already wondering this morning how I was going to log 15,000 steps today nor was it even necessary since I had done so much yesterday. What I did was do a little step aerobics to get close mid-morning. That's when I got a call from Lisa letting me know about Johnnie and asking if I could watch him since she had to ferry the Frenchies around this morning and she was really keen about getting her notes done.  I was happy to do that of course. I had a Director's Meeting at 10 AM and despite the usual live discussion about priorities and that Starlette talking about charters and project management stuff as if we were some kind of organized lot I kept myself from rolling my eyes too much, reminding myself that it is disrespectful to do that. And RESPECT is one of the cornerstones of behavior I try to have Johnnie model. Anyway we got done by 11:30 and then I picked up Johnnie at Lisa's house. He was just starting to move about. Lisa mentioned he had thrown up and had diarrhea and I was pretty sure he wasn't sick, but that he needed some rest and recovery time from yesterday. As did I LOL. As does Lisa. I actually felt for her that she still needed to play host for the next few days and so she needed to pick her spots in terms of getting to center or she will find overwhelm fast. Already I felt off this morning not only because I was tired but also because I was off-routine and I didn't find time to settle myself. That Director's Meeting came up in a hurry. And all the stuff I would already have gotten done on a Monday, the HRSA survey, the COVID vaccines inventory, the timecards, all that got move off to the afternoon. I not only couldn't get to it during the weekend, except the timecards thank God, but I couldn't get to them this morning either. And now I have to watch Johnnie as well for the afternoon. Just look at the pic of him on my couch. Fortunately he has Little Pony and Ninjago, and the Octonauts and whatever else Netflix has to keep him company the entire day if need be. 
I found myself getting busy in the afternoon too, and then I had that HIT Roundtable meeting late in the afternoon. to boot. So the compression of what this day became simply continued. I kept trying to get to routine, doing steps in the afternoon in an effort to keep up the pace to 15,000+ but like that Monday a couple of months ago, I found myself pushing so hard that I had another episode of trace of blood when I pee'd. Not a lot at all actually, just that my pee was red and then clear and it happened after I was sitting on my ass for a while going through with the HIT Roundtable Meeting, having another lively discussion for the 2nd time today about Mendy's issues and why he doesn't bring them up yet bugs us about engagement and more interesting things to talk about. I made him talk about his issues right then and there and we find out the feeling is there are much more important issues to think about than cybersecurity. Like maybe keeping the lights on. I totally get that. You would feel that way when you're focused on the day-to-day and are close to overwhelm. That, to me, is when Leadership has to take over and make hard choices. Anyway it seemed like a really long day today and then Lisa calls since we were supposed to coordinate coming back to her house to circle back and hang out with the visitors for a bit. She had dropped them off at Santa Monica and had to look for them near the pier. I had given Johnnie penne and chicken  noodle soup already by then so I was not concerned that he hadn't eaten. In fact, if you look at the picture, you might have thought he had made a miraculous recovery LOL. He seemed back to normal and back to his bouncy, playful self. We had come back from Lisa's house by then, almost 9 PM. We had another dinner there too, with Johnnie eating some of his chicken and rice staple and me having some of the salad I made yesterday that no one hardly touched. Not blaming them at all, I myself ate more of the other stuff and of course we had to cart of 3 full boxes of pizza that no one could eat either. We caught up with Silvia for the evening and as I said, came home close to Johnnie's bedtime already. I was still tired actually and though today was recovery day, I did still manage to log 15,000 steps  and 150+ active minutes. No wonder I'm pee-ing blood LOL. Nah. I'm sure I'll be back to normal again by end of day tomorrow. In the meantime, I did finish EVERYTHING I needed to do today for work, albeit by the time I had to go to bed. One more thing to do: my presentation for FOM/IT. That will be tomorrow's to-do. I'm all good.

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