Thursday, October 13, 2022

Now It Feels Like Fall

I felt bad that Johnnie didn't go to bed until almost 11 PM last night. It's going to be my fault if he is tired all day at school today, or if he performs below par in any way. In the meantime, I had a surprisingly good sleep highlighted <I think> by some SATS dreaming where I would be going through events and scenarios, outcomes really, and they would be followed by some audible signal. A ping from my phone, some buzzing from outside. It was like I was getting messages. All to help me clear whatever negative emotional residue was left from last night's interaction with Lisa. Kind of like taking a shower after you've been showered in mud. Just a cleanup on Aisle 5 if you please LOL. In the meantime, I tried to let Johnnie sleep as late as possible and still not be late for school. We still got there by 8 AM and he was in line well before the bell rang. I noticed that gone was the warming trend in terms of the weather. In fact, today was the first time I made Johnnie wear his new hoodie. And I wore my Maui Built long sleeve. Yes, fall is definitely here. As far as work went, it was the usual Thursday trifecta, with the exception of the IS Team. There wasn't really much to meet about so I let them have a break from me LOL. The EHR Team meeting was pretty uneventful too, as was my one-on-one with Dennis. And so maybe I posted the pic of the lunch I made myself - chicken with fried rice - as sort of the highlight of the morning. By then I had dropped Claire off at Lisa's early too since she had decided she was going to pick up Johnnie early from STAR so they could do some stuff with the visitors. Even cancelled his Spanish class tonight. So that was different too... I'm all by myself on a Thursday! What to do What to do LOL.
Actually, there wasn't much to decide on since I was now focused on moving the Penelope project forward. And so I spent another couple of hours with Melina and Erica getting one more step forward, which was to learn how to build out Workers profiles and the Site profiles. Erica is learning how to build out her own system which is a really good thing. She now is much more confident and I have every reason to believe, we'll be ready to go in November. Finally Lisa called to double verify that she is picking up Johnnie early. She was going to pick up his booster seat too. By almost 5 PM she still hadn't come by though. Turned out she picked him up, but at the regular time. Later even since he usually has Spanish class today. She was already beginning to wig out about having to deal with an hour-long drive in traffice. Just like yesterday. She decided they were going to have dinner first, which is THE BEST DECISION she could have made then and there. At least if she has dinner, she would be in a much better mood to deal with the traffice to get to Hollywood or wherever the Frenchies were. She invited me to go with them to Jack-in-the-Box. I grabbed my scooter. And then she contacted Dexter and the dinner plan changed. She simply decided she would go somewhere where she would feel good. She decided to go to Oops. And Johnnie and I heartily agreed. And so it was that we had a spontaneous family meal at Oops tonight. Which instantly became the PLAY-OF-THE-DAY. Johnnie had his udon, I had my tempura rolls, Lisa had her sashimi. And they were in a much better mood when we all split to leave. They on their way downtown, Me on my scooter getting cold on the way home. But it was all good. Back to the usual programming on a Thursday night. Watching the series Finale of SEE on AppleTV. Relaxing with my tea for the evening. It was all good.

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