Sunday, October 9, 2022

Johnnie's Birthday Party

There isn't much to write about here, only that there's too much to write about. It started with golf at Penmar. Early tee time. 8:10 AM. I started out ok, Scott and I both did in fact, getting bogeys on the first 3 holes. On the 4th hole, I got on in 3 in fact. And still managed to triple putt past a bogey. On Hole 5, my tee shot got within the fringe. But I dicked around with it from there to another 5. I had a nice fairway drive on the long hole, but again botched it from the fringe. Only on Hole 8 did I truly mess it up and had a 6 on a par 3. And then recovered with a bogey on Hole 9. So I had 5 bogeys, 2 double bogeys and 2 more than double bogeys. A decent game. But I should have had my 2 pars. They were there to be had. I just missed the putt. I went to Lisa's after that. And despite not even getting started until around lunchtime, despite Lisa not being around so it was just Johnnie and I, and then Dexter coming by early to help, despite still having to return a bad helium tank, and a last second trip to get drinks, it all started on time just fine. And the rest I will have to show in pictures. I was tired at the end of the day. 17,000+ steps will do that to you, I think I had a personal record. My back was aching. And remember Silvia and Cecille had also come so I stuck around for a bit to chat. And then stuck around to watch Johnnie because of course the Frenchies had to go to Target. That is a Silvia thing for sure.  I went home so tired...

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