Monday, October 3, 2022

Back to Regular Mondays

For once on a Monday unlike the past 3 Mondays, I'm not hustling up and about with any urgency this morning. That's because I didn't get any word that I needed to babysit the Westlake North health center like I have the past month or so. THAT is perfectly fine with me. This being the first work week of October, I focused on visualizing an eezy-peezy week, even though it IS Johnnie's birthday week and we are for sure in for some busy-ness over the weekend when Silvia flies in from Paris as well. But that's later on. Today, my schedule was clear and so I retro'd myself back to earlier in the summer when i didn't have to worry about getting out to the Health Centers before 9 AM. And so I could take my time getting my first 5000 steps in this morning and I even did my old route around McLaughlin and Mar Vista Park, which allowed me to do the pullup bars too. OK I only did 6. But it is 6 more than I had been doing. And when I got home I went to work on my abs using the ab wheel that I bought a few months ago. And then I threw in 75 squat reps for good measure. I felt good! Lean and athletic again. And strong. Funny that while I was here at home, I actually felt more focused on what I had to do for work than when I am at the Health Centers. It's just been my routine for the last 2+ years anymore. And I even noted that I spent quite a bit of time this morning CLEANING. Yes, CLEANING. I put my robo-vacuum to work in the living room and got that space all cleaned up. And then I cleaned the toilet too.THAT is the advantage of being at home, working from home. There is no set time. I was still able to do the vaccine inventory stuff I usually do each Monday, I even got pretty good focus on what I had to do with the IS Team. So much so I called the team meeting today instead of tomorrow morning. I was going to be tied up tomorrow anyway so I thought I might as well get it done. And in between all that I made myself a nice tuna sandwich paired with tomato bisque soup. Canned this time so it wasn't as good as Bristol farms yesterday. Still pretty good though and by early afternoon, I was already at 10,000 steps as if I were at the Health Center doing all these stationary steps inside the Manager's office LOL.
And so I got my bearings for the week, and only when I looked at the schedule did I realize Johnnie does not have school on Wednesday due to Yom Kippur. Great. I'm going to have to find something for us to do, if not go in to the office. By late afternoon I was almost all done with my 15,000 steps already and my legs were noticeable more sore than usual. That would be the squats kicking in. By that time I had not heard from Lisa and I was not going to venture to guess what she was doing today. I was not asked to pick up Johnnie though so I figured she didn't go to Pasadena. I picked up Johnnie around 7 PM and walked in to mom and son having dinner. She made Johnnie his favorite chicken strips and rice. And invited me to have dinner with them. We still had some chicken from last night's dinner actually and I was happy to have those. I wouldn't have to stop at El Pollo Loco now. Just stuck around and had another dinner with mom and son. We discussed the week and Lisa booked herself solid from Thursday on. She has the Studers coming on Friday through Saturday. And of course Silvia coming on Sunday. So I'm already warning her to get herself mentally and emotionally ready for all this. For her, it's not really about the people but the mess that always usually ends up happening at her house that really knocks her off balance. Tonight for example, we were already halfway out the door when she realized she was going to leave all of Johnnie's Legos that he had painstakingly laid out yesterday afternoon. Her idea was that Johnnie and Joyanna could play with them. But I was sure she didn't intend for those to stay laid out for the next few days. She would get annoyed by them at some point. Even I knew as much. And so Johnnie had to put away all those things, which kept us there another extra half hour. It was 8 PM by the time we left there. I told Johnnie in no uncertain terms that the longer we have to stay at his mom's the less Ninjago time he gets. And I wanted to watch the RAMS on MNF. <Glad I didn't because the 49ers just blew them out. A work in progress this team is>. I did download Interview with the Vampire the new adaptation on AMC to watch later. And I still managed to get Johnnie to bed by 9:30. And so it did feel like a usual Monday after all. And you know how I like routine...

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