Sunday, October 30, 2022


What just happened? I'm sitting at lunch at Sidewalk Grill on Vermont reflecting on the golf game I just had. That's because I just shot bogey golf... for the entire 9 holes at Roosevelt. I had 2 pars on Hole 4 and Hole 6. 2 6's on Hole 2 and Hole 8. The rest were bogeys. And 2 of those should have been pars because I missed relatively easy putts on Hole 1 and Hole 5. Simply, it was the best golf I had played in a long LONG time. How did I do it? For one, except on Hole 8 all my tee shots were nicely hit, long and straight. And even that whiff on Hole 8, I followed up with a fairway 3-wood that went 200 yards and got me within 70 yards of the hole after 2 shots anyway. The difference on that hole was focus. I let the sand trap bug me and I whiffed on that 3rd shot, costing me another bogey or better.  On Hole 2 I hit the tree on the 3rd shot which would have gotten me on the green already and cost me the bogey there. But on most of the other holes, I had very nice fairway iron shots. THAT was the difference. It overcame my putting which was just ok. I made them when I was close. But I wan't missing by a lot and I was putting myself in a position to close out. So the combination of good tee shots and good fairway irons pretty much on most of the holes got me good scores. Even on the last hole where I had 2 errant shots, one of the tee that landed right and then the pitching wedge shot that went way past the hole, I recovered with a chip shot that got me close enough to the hole  and allowed me to close out with a bogey. And so I shot a 42 today. Wow. I could hear Greg now expressing his utter disbelief. Heck, I could hardly believe it myself. What did I do in the mental game? Not much from this morning I could tell you that. I had been visualizing every now and again all week about hitting my irons well from the fairway. And it came to pass. I just told myself that I was going to relax today and be in the moment so I could let the shot I want come to me. And more often than not that was what happened. I could feel myself losing some of that focus starting on Hole 8 but it was ok. I was already in such a rhythm that I was able to finish the game on that high note. Even Scott couldn't believe it. WHAT A GAME TODAY! 
I took a nap as soon as I got home and started to put myself in game time mode for tomorrow's conference. It already started today but I don't have to talk until tomorrow. I hadn't thought about it all week long frankly. But then again, I didn't really have to I didn't think. I am simply confident enough that all would go very well. I just needed the nap because I was binge watching Season 9 of the Blacklist last night and didn't get to sleep until almost 1 AM. Which makes my great game this morning even more puzzling really. Get enough sleep? Nope... in fact, I felt that need for the nap the entire morning. Good meditation? Focus on the golf? Nope and nope. I simply was more relaxed this morning which helped me to dial in better I think. The good program simply outweighted the bad programs today. And so now I can work on replicating that next week LOL. It turned out to be a beautiful, warm last Sunday in October. So beautiful that I had to remind myself that I actually needed to get ready for an early ride to LAX tomorrow morning and I needed to get to where I needed to go from LAX to Vegas. Usually I'd be kiciking around with fall sports but since I cut the cord, I had no access to regular TV, so no Rams football, no access to Spectrum Sports Net so no Lakers. Which may or may not be so bad considering the Rams aren't playing well and the Lakers? don't get me started. They have gotten off to their worst start in years and they are the worst shooting team in the NBA. But there's still the internet. I mean after all, I get too nervous and don't even watch these things live anyway. When did I start being so neurotic? Yeah, like forever? All the way back to the 80s! Back then I called it superstitious LOL LOL. Anyway, this afternoon the Rams lost to the 49ers. Again. But the Lakers somehow won their very first game of the NBA season! I watched none of it of course but then again after this morning's golf game, I was pretty blasé about either team. Besides, UCLA football won last night.  So I had a pretty quiet rest-of-Sunday-last-weekend in October kind of day. And now we usher in Halloween, November, and the holiday season. Can't wait. 

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