Saturday, October 15, 2022

Saturday and Everyone Is Tired

I went to Lisa's house at 7:45 this morning to pick up Johnnie as per usual on a Lisa working Saturday. Even took an early shower at 7 AM in order to do so <that one was a must since I hadn't actually showered since Tuesday>.  Of course I planned to take us to Elysee. I always do on a Lisa work Saturday. But today I was going to take Silvia and Cecille too. Except that Lisa booked Silvia for a cleaning at 8 AM. When I got there there was Gayane crying really loudly and coughing uncontrollably in the bathroom, there was Lisa getting ready and trying to get Silvia to get going with her to work. And me, well apparently Johnnie was still asleep so I had nothing better to do that to hang out and wait. At the last second, Lisa decides that I should bring her to work and that I should take the 8 AM cleaning appointment too. That's ok I guess, it HAS been 3 months since my last cleaning. And Johnnie could use some more extra sleep. And it was starting to drizzle outside. The more time for the kids to chill, especially Gayane. Later on, Silvia and I would be perplexed that Lisa was so zoned in on Silvia's cleaning and not noticing that Silvia was focused on her child crying and not feeling well. In the end, I swapped slots and got the cleaning and got it from the newest member of Lisa's hygiene crew to boot. Problem solved.  The  new guy was a hygienist named Ivan from the School of Dentistry. He was ok enough. I'm sure he would work out just fine. After all, it's not like Lisa's office needs hygiene superstars. Just those that would show up for work and not make any mistakes. Fairly middling bar. I got done by 9 AM and got back to Lisa's house by 9:10 AM. Johnnie was just barely stirring in bed. What the heck did they do last night? Or was this an aggregation of back-to-back late nights for Johnnie? I'm inclined to lean in that direction. I did wake him up to get him showered and also so we could get breakfast at Elysee. Silvia and Cecille didn't come. They wanted to stay home with Gayane and get cleaned up too. And so Johnnie and I did do our usual dad-son breakfast albeit much later than usual. Coming to Elysee at 9:45 meant seeing much busier morning than Johnnie and I are used to. I mean there was a line out the door! And in that line came Ines and Tony Cataldo! Hadn't seen them in person since the year we got Johnnie. <I was thinking this was simply a continuing pattern of running into old friends and acquaintances> Man, that's more than 7 years ago since I've seen them! And we used to go to the movies on a Friday night regularly. I'm trying to remember how Lisa dealt with that social situation while working... I mean was she as difficult as she was last Wednesday? I think she would make us wait too back then too LOL. Anyway Johnnie was pretty listless at breakfast. So we just headed home and I let Johnnie continue to take a nap for the rest of the morning. Everyone was having a much later start this morning. And that was ok really. 
Silvia had it in her mind that we were going to pick pumpkins at a real live pumpkin patch. She even found one in Brentwood. But by the time they got around to getting out of the house, it was already 2 PM! Yep, they had simply wasted most of the day away already. Not that I cared really. I let Johnnie sleep another 3 hours actually. I don't really remember what I did for those 3 hours except hang around the couch and watch some TV. Hey I needed R&R too.  By 2 PM even Johnnie mentioned he was hungry and wanted to eat something. I headed us out to the Third Street Promenade and do a reprise on eating at the Cheesecake Factory like we had done just past November and then before that in the summer of 2018. Johnnie was finally starting to be his old self again. I told him he had better get fully rested or he wouldn't be going to Disneyland tomorrow. I had my chicken marsala, which I always try whenever I see it on anyone's menu. This one had bowtie pasta that came with it. Johnnie had a cheese flatbread and the ladies had chicken avocado salads.  I couldn't complain about the food really but as chicken marsala goes, this one wasn't better than the one at Marias'. I was totally aware that it was nearly 4 PM by the time we got done. And Cecille wanted to get boba. And Silvia wanted to get supplies for Gayane. And Gayane was starting to get bothered again that she started to cry. Johnnie at least was chill, but more likely because he was still tired and not fully recovered.  Anyway we ran errands the rest of the afternoon, Walgreens on Pico and Lincoln. Boba at Boba time near my place. And then back home to Lisa's. She, in fact, was already home when we got there which was a surprise. Apparently her dad and mom were coming to visit too. That's my cue: exit, stage center. And so it was that I spent the entire day with the tourists.  Tha't sok. It was my turn. We didn't do all that much. No pumpkin patch since we ran out of time. And that was ok. I told everyone to rest up. After all, tomorrow is Disneyland day. It was still barely 6 PM though so I finished grocery shopping. I made myself a pizza. And avoided the Dodger game though I didn't feel good about it. Sure enough they end up losing the game and the series. A glorious 111-win regular season gone to waste.  Oh well, better luck next year.  They were our best hope for a championship too. The Rams suck right now. The Lakers do not look good. At least UCLA is 6-0 in football. But for how much longer?  We'll see next week won't we (they had a bye this week). We'll just have to see. In the meantime, I slept early, resting up for a big day tomorrow...

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