Friday, October 28, 2022

Last Friday In October

It's already the last Friday in October. We're heading into Halloween weekend and then the holiday season. Has the year really flown by already? We're still in that transition phase where it has started to get colder early in the morning, but it still warms up in the middle of the day. That is, until Daylight Savings Time in a week or so. Still, this being a Friday and with nothing on my calendar, I focused on internal work. With a renewed focus on prostate issues <from getting my insurance turned down> although I keep reminding myself my PSA is actually going down, I purchased some supplements this morning.  And then did some energetic work. I cautioned myself to focus on health instead of whatever I thought was out of whack, and I reminded myself that somehow whatever I experience in my reality was that which I had put some energy in. Case in point, I got out to Lisa's house to pick up Claire. And I decided to take a shower there, because I had done so in the past. I took a shower in Johnnie's bathroom. I don't know why really, usually I would use the downstairs bathroom. And I ended up having a nice shower. Until the fire alarm got triggered in Lisa's bedroom because of the steam coming from my hot shower. And then the alarm system got triggered because of this. I rushed naked and wet downstairs to try to turn it off. Fortunately, she hadn't changed the code from when I still lived her. And so I was able to turn the alarm off before the Fire Department came. But if ever I thought I was going to sneak a shower in boy, perhaps there was some guilt that I was trying to do it in stealth. And now I HAD to text Lisa that I was at her house and that I had triggered the alarm. Sigh. Oh well. At least I got a nice shower in. And I focused on other gratitude-type things. I finally did finish my presentation for Monday once and for all. And got it in in the nick of time first thing this morning. AND we did get paid today didn't we... Included was a nice $200 from the State, some relief disbursement due to inflation. Hey, I'll take it. My account is now over $51,000. I know I have to pay rent and that will get lowered in the next couple of days. It's still over $51K already. And I am hugely grateful for that. For lunch I stayed on the healthy track, baking up a piece of barramundi... but then eating the Trader Joe's orange chicken that I had stashed for a few months in the freezer. Time to start clearing what was there considering I had so much food in there. Besides, it was fairly healthy still. That and some yellow lentil soup and I was good to go.
For a Friday afternoon I found myself wandering into Culver City. First at Sprouts because I wanted to get pumpkin seeds. Yep, I was somehow stuck on getting some natural stuff to shrink my prostate with and I had been reading that pumpkin seeds, pumpkin seed oil, zinc, saw palmetto all were as good a combination as any to do that. Which is why I headed to sprouts. Not only did I get pumpkin seeds but I also got the supplement I was looking at in Amazon. Somehow I'm doing all this but my instincts tell me this is much easier done energetically. Still, I am in learning mode right? Gotta learn by doing. I also found myself at Target to get Johnnie's Lunchables for next week which was a good thing because I remembered to get gift cards for next week too. It IS Town Hall Roadshow week after all, even if I'm going to miss the first day at East Third. By the time I got back home it was already almost 3 PM. Still early, but I also knew I had to pick up Johnnie early because he had a makeup Spanish class today at 4:30. And then we agreed I'd get him to Lisa's office so mom and son can sit down and have dinner together and he can hang over there until she decides she's done for the day. By doing that, I'm hoping Johnnie becomes the influence that lets her learn to simply let go of the day no matter what time it is and that it is ultimately more important to simply be present with him no matter what they are doing. THAT is the lesson I have learned. Johnnie just simply wants to be with us and he is extremely keen on the scheduling routine too. As he himself told his mom on Wednesday... DAD only gets me for 3 days during the week so it is only fair we don't deviate from that schedule. I paraphrase of course, and really I get more than that but who's counting? Tonight I did pick him up early and I made him dinner and packed it up. I got just about an hour with him, but it was a good hour and enough to strengthen bonds and routines. And enough for me to play his dad for that hour. I made him spaghetti and heated up Trader Joe's pizza. And I dropped him off at Lisa's before it was even 6 PM. Doing that forced Lisa to stop and eat something and sit down with Johnnie, even if she still felt like talking about her office stuff. New doctor this, staff member that. I felt the need to tell her not to make a problem where there isn't any. I reminder her that she IS the owner and whatever she decides stands no matter what anyone thinks. And with that I headed on home. It was ok because Lisa is working tomorrow. And of course tomorrow is the much anticipated Big Boo at Mar Vista that Johnnie is going to. That would be the 4th straight weekend in October that he has something big going on either that Saturday or Sunday. His birthday, then Disneyland, then Brooklyn's birthday, then the Big Boo. And finally bye bye October. What a month already!

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