Monday, October 24, 2022

A Calm Monday

It turned out to be such a calm Monday today that I was more than just a bit surprised. Calm not in the sense that nothing went on. Calm in a sense that everything happened with ease, which is just about all I can ask for. An eezy peezy morning where I got everything done. Heck, by lunchtime I was already at 8000 steps and 100 active minutes! A nice tuna salad sandwich and that real tomato bisque soup from Bristol Farms. Not the canned stuff mind you... fresh. It was AMAZING. AND I had a nice hour-long nap. I did wake up pretty early this morning and went right into meditation at about 5 AM. If I was tired, I made up for it with my nap. Even people pinging me from work were simply teeny tiny minor annoyances that I didn't even give a second thought to. Not today. That was the difference. And then at the end of the afternoon, after I had already gotten the bulk of my steps done (meaning more than 11,000 steps) I did a hot tub soak. Ahhh. Even in the spa I had almost a meditative experience just enjoying the breeze in my face, doing yoga for prostate under the water AND just allowing subtle energies to work their magic on me. And work their magic they did. I felt really nice and relaxed. And I took a nice shower afterwards too. Even more relaxed. But then I finally had to think about returning to a different reality.  I had to pick up Johnnie from Lisa's and even though that seemed routine, there really isn't anything routine about Lisa, depending on what it is that is tugging at her. It's like I know something is coming but I don't know what. I reminded myself to be grateful for any interaction as it merely amplifies what needs my attention. Gives me clues about energies I need to release. And boy I was sure right on. When I pulled up, Lisa and Johnnie were just getting home apparently from taking the dog for a walk. And they were talking to neighbors also out for a walk. When Johnnie saw me he immediately took me inside excitedly. His pictures finally came in from the school picture day. He also told me how hungry he was. Old feelings immediately came bubbling to the surface. 'Why can't I have just a simple hand-off where I take Johnnie and immediately get out of there' NOPE, Lisa wants to take her time.  Why hasn't Johnnie eaten dinner yet? Because Lisa has other things on her mind. I NEED TO ACCEPT that I do things my way, and Lisa does things her way and that's perfectly ok. I have to acknowledge that she has no capability of thinking about how her choices affect other people in her orbit. Particularly Johnnie. Particularly ME.  This she got from her mom, the loosey-goosey way treating life moment by moment. It is already how she is so to expect her to comport more to my way of thinking is not realistic. I wouldn't change to her way of thinking right? And so the trick is always to meet somewhere in the middle. Instead of pushing my agenda and asserting my control, it is simply her time with Johnnie and she can do what she wants even if affects me. She made chicken (I had already made rice the second I walked in) and we sat and ate together which is what she likes to do. I had already eaten a mushroom pineapple and spinach pizza at my house. 15000 steps by 6 PM made me really hungry. At least the interaction with Lisa had minimal effect on my peace and harmony and that is the best to hope for always. Johnnie and I went on home, right to his warm chocolate milk and videos. Almost got him to finish Room On the Broom. And we both went to bed early. As in before 10 PM. It was a nice, calm day. A good day for me.

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