Sunday, October 16, 2022


And so today was Disneyland day. We only had been talking about it for months now. And now it's here. And Dexter got himself a ticket to go. The last thing I said to Cecille and Silvia last night was that they had to help me get Lisa out of the house today at a decent time. I was over at 8:15. They were ready. Lisa and Johnnie were still in bed. Lisa was talking about not going since Johnnie was sick. Or at least claimed he was sick. W-T-F? My gut already told me he was not sick, but was acting like it because everyone else in the house seemed sick, including of course his mom. And I felt like he was just projecting Lisa's energy of not really wanting to go. I KNEW this was going to happen actually. It's just difficult every single time when you have to deal with it and deal with her. Brings me back to golf Sundays when she started not to want to come but would just do her best to waste my time and energy and not actually have to decide one way or another. YES it is a CONTROL thing with her. Just like it is with Johnnie now.  And I was not having it. As it was we waited until the very very last second until everyone finally left the house. It was 9:45. But we DID leave despite all the drama. And we got to Disneyland by 11 AM. The moment we got there, Johnnie already wanted some popcorn. Yeah. Sick alright. Anyway I will just say we all had a pretty good day at the Happiest Place on Earth. And Johnnie's favorite this time? The canoe ride! Yep, we got to ride a canoe! The rest I'll just post pics and let those pics tell the story. We were home by 8 PM. Tired. Very tired. But it was a good day. 

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