Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Keeping up the Chill Vibe

It's almost Halloween, I have a trip and in-person webinar coming up, the Town Hall next week, but here, now, today, my focus was keeping up yesterday's eezy-peezy vibe. Even with Johnnie in the house, and most definitely bouncing around and looking exactly like his old self, dad and son still managed to get a nice long sleep last night and for dad, augmented it with some more good meditation this morning. And when I dropped Johnnie off at school, the first thing I saw was that Brooklyn came bounding up to us with something on her neck. A-ha. She opened Johnnie's present after all. So cute those two. Funny though that Johnnie seems indifferent to the attention. He didn't feel like running around and tussling with the other kids this morning and was just content to sit back and watch. Hmmm... I wonder if he has some of his dad's INFJ in him? In other words, independent. Or later on... loner tendency? Hmmm... Something to watch. All that aside, it was still good to see him engaging with the other kids again which is really all I want him to do. Have fun by himself, have fun with others. He makes up these games and his ally James goes along with them and that is really great. I went home and realized that I had cleared my calendar this morning. This afternoon I had a couple of meetings, but this morning I could do more of the same anchoring stuff I did yesterday. And true enough, listening to all the alpha waves stuff, and ego stuff and healing stuff and I found myself almost drooping off to sleep right on my couch. Not that THAT was bad. In fact what I did this morning was get on my computer then every half hour or so, get up and do some resistance exercises. I did a total of 150+ free squats today. And 50 pushups. And 2 reps of 15 on the ab roller. Ok Ok, not impressive numbers. But at least I did SOMETHING. What I've noticed in my recent pictures was that I was looking skinny in the shoulders area. And so that was what the pushups were all about. So yes I was very much focused on the physical this morning and it felt good. At least until I got the results of last week's blood and urine test. On the one hand, not too bad. Cholesterol was elevated <higher than normal> but that I know I can easily handle with a week's worth of intermittent fasting or keto. The ONLY number that raised a concern was the PSA score which came in at 6.1 and I believe was the reason why my insurance request was DENIED. Hah! Way back in 2016 I think it was denied because of high triglycerides. I was almost diagnosed with fatty liver disease. Now many years later, no high triglycerides. No disease. It only goes to show any of these numbers can be CHANGED. In fact, that 6.1 reading was already almost a full point lower than the last reading in April which came in at 6.9. In another month it will be in the 5's again. And then back to the 4's? Oh well. no insurance for me and that's ok. 
I shrugged off as much thoughts of dis-ease and prostate stuff as I could for the afternoon. Only tried to focus on health and optimal functioning of my body. And do steps, WHILE doing image cycling too. Very interesting when I try to do it. I think it has started to help me focus on my energy flow. I knew Johnnie had asked to get picked up right after basketball so he wouldn't be so bored in STAR for an hour while waiting for me. I was happy to oblige. By then I had had my TEAM Meeting too in the afternoon. I think I like it better holding it then and including Kennedy. I'm hoping Sheng learns by example the lesson I'm trying to teach today which was to get in front of your customer. In this case, a particularly annoying doctor who insists on a different laptop. What I was trying to teach was that he was not going to like whatever he was brought simply because the messenger (Sheng) did not connect with him in a way that satisfied whatever he felt he needed. Sheng is so much on autopilot that I am trying to get him to unlearn that. Slow going if I do say so. But maybe it is simply that he is not a fit for MY own personality. That is a lesson I need to learn or unlearn. Even Kennedy who was a match for my personality had to go through growing pains. Anyway the afternoon still went pretty quietly and by the time I picked up Johnnie I had noted that today already felt very much like yesterday. Eezy peezy effortless and I was in such a space that whatever was pinging me from work wasn't bothering me much if at all. As in, everything is going to turn out the way I set it out to anyway. I picked up Johnnie early liked he requested, then went home and did a little work while we waited for 5 PM to pick up dinner at Panda Express. 2 Bowls: Johnnie's usual and mushroom chicken for me, which I added more chicken breast when we got home. All good. And then afterwards, Johnnie and I spent some time in the spa. That would be the 2nd consecutive day I'm spending time in the jacuzzi. And it felt just as good and relaxing as yesterday. If yesterday was Calm Monday, then today was Just As Calm Tuesday. Now can we go for 3 days in a row?

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