Friday, October 21, 2022


And here I am thinking I was going to have a nice quiet almost TANK FRIDAY. I had even gotten started with my meditation routine. Thoughts of "I am ENOUGH" and "the UNIVERSE always has my back" wafting through my consciousness. Little did I know I would get tested EARLY. As in in the middle of my meditation, and barely 7 AM. Lisa called me and told me Johnnie had thrown up and had diarrhea. Just like the Monday isn't it? She of course was trying to decide whether to hold him back from school.  Mind you I was still aware that he had been coughing all week. And that he had thrown up in the morning too. But that was because he was trying to cough so hard that food came out. I didn't think he was sick enough to get held back. I detected that Lisa was having a hard time with this. And so I headed over. Sigh. I walked through the door and here's Silvia, Cecille and Gayane on the couch watching Encanto and Johnnie coughing upstairs. Lisa hadn't gotten ready. How are they going to school at all and in Lisa's case, to work, if they're lollygagging about? At least Johnnie had showered last night. But I simply wan't buying that he was too sick to go to school. And when he asked to go to Lisa's office to hang out with there, that sealed it for me. He WAS going to school.  To make a long story short, I got him ready and was really the push that got Johnnie out the door, and Lisa too. We talked a bit about getting the Frenchies to the airport since they were leaving today with a 6 PM flight. They wanted to be at the airport at 3 PM. I could simply drive them but then Lisa promised Johnnie he would get picked up right after school at 2:30 PM and didn't have to go to Spanish class OR STAR. And of course I would have to pick him up. How I do that and do the airport drop-off was up to me. Lisa had thoughts about it too but she wanted Johnnie to get dropped off at her office. And had Silvia there at that time too. Sounded convoluted to me but I played along. First things first. Johnnie has to get to school. I didn't care what Lisa did. And so it was that despite all this DRAMA, Johnnie did get to school this morning, albeit 8 minutes late. And then I dropped Lisa off at work. And went on home to get back to my centering exercises. Get back under and out of the Lisa-induced drama and into my calm. And figure out the rest of the day. I did a meeting, had some leftover chicken and mushroom lunch and then went on over to Lisa's office to see what the Frenchies were doing. It occurred to mee that they would be waiting there for me for a good couple of hours. Why couldn't they have just gone to my pool and waited there I wondered? It IS Friday, I didn't really need to be anywhere and I had already responded to all texts and emails. So I saw them and let them know I had a different plan. Lisa wanted Carmen to take them to the airport? Why disrupt her practice? I told them we'd leave at 2:15, pick up Johnnie from school at 2:30 and head on to the airport from there. They would have PLENTY of time for their 6 PM flight. And so that's exactly what we did. Check out the pics of the gang and their luggage in the back of Lisa's truck while we were waiting for Johnnie to get let out of school! For the first time I picked up Johnnie at the gate and then despite some traffic around Lincoln in Marina del Rey by the 90 Fwy (hey it's FRiday ok?) I managed to drop them off at 3:20. They were still in great shape time-wise. And so with that, Silvia's 2022 vacation was concluded. And finally we can start getting back to some normalcy again. Tonight that meant dropping Johnnie off at Lisa's office right from LAX. I picked up Claire at my apartment, and then went to Lisa's office. And then... just one last drama for the day. Johnnie is now crying and upset because he wanted his Fuzzy. Sigh. Is he really doing this? Of course he is. And so I took Claire back to Lisa's house, picked up Fuzzy... AND picked up Panda Express dinner for Johnnie and Lisa. And THEN went back to Lisa's office. Johnnie wolfed down his teriyaki chicken and rice. I can't imagine he had much of a lunch. And then finally, finally finally I clocked out. Time for some ME TIME again. No need to get any more food, I just got Silvia's leftovers from Panda House. That's honey walnut shrimp and orange chicken we're talking about. And finally I can have a decently quiet Saturday night. And Lisa can finally have some alone time with Johnnie, which the latter had been wanting all along I think. I got some Netflix binging in with a couple of episodes from the latest (9th) season of the Blacklist. AND the first couple of episodes of the new Sci-fi Amazon video series Peripheral. And since it was Friday, I knocked off the timecards for my teams. And did data downloads too. No rest tomorrow either. It's Brooklyn's Birthday party. And that's ok. Johnnie had been looking forward to that one. We'll be good to go.

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