Sunday, October 2, 2022

Golf and Family Night

So it is Golf Sunday and this morning we have a later-than-usual tee time at Harbor (10 AM). I must say I kind of like it that I get to lollygag around the house and have a decent breakfast instead of getting out in a hurry to make an early tee time. And so this morning is yet another opportunity to learn how to play better, or at least enjoy my game by playing as well as I can. This morning I focused on some videos I saw earlier this weekend by David Johnson, who seemed to have a more pragmatic, more practical less woo-woo approach to manifestation. And I applied it to golf this morning. I thought about what a good golfer would do, how he would approach shots, the choices he would make on the golf course and then I let it go. As in I simply visualized ME walking into the state of this good golfer. And decided to see what would happen. Immediately from the first hole I felt different. I smacked my first tee shot 200 yards that kept in the fairway. Landed my 2nd shot on the fringe. And if not for some questionable putting, I would have should have could have gotten a par right off the bat. I settled for a bogey. This would be the recurring theme of the entire game it would turn out. I was swatting them decently from the tee, and even from the fairway. I counted a total of TWO whiffs the entire game. On hole 2 and the last hole and I still recovered from both to have decent scores. If not for the putting I would have had a really good score anyway. Because I would routinely get to the vicinity of the green, if not on the green outright in 2 and 3 shots. And I had really good tee shots on 7,8 and 9. My putting though was not good. But still if I could simply focus on my game before the putting, I would say I was really satisfied. And I felt really good about today's game. So outcome met! What do you know. I went to Playa Vista Bristol Farms to get myself a nice turkey sandwich and tomato bisque soup for lunch. And they had realy tomato bisque too, not the canned stuff I usually get. It was awesome. Of course, due to the late start, I found myself getting home by near 2 PM today. That's ok. I was supposed to talk to Candace, or even meet up later in the afternoon. Except...
Lisa called out their way home from the beach. Mom and son had a beach day and I was happy for them that Lisa got to spend time with Johnnie. But now she was feeling the effects of the booster shot and needed to lie down. So of course, she asked me to watch Johnnie at her house while she tapped out and recovered. Big change in plans obviously. Johnnie was all too happy to play with his Legos all afternoon. But he did not want to play alone. And so here I am swooping in to the rescue LOL. Actually, I didn't mind coming because of course I get to spend more time with Johnnie. It's like I get to see him every day this week and how can I complain about that? I went there and he was already alone in the bathtub getting cleaned up from the beach. OF COURSE I knew there would be stuff Lisa would be needing for me to do. As in all the bikes locked up in her truck cab and beach stuff that she had left. Pain in the butt to get those bikes out of there too. Then Claire had leaked a little discharge on the bed sheet again <as in how does Lisa not figure out to keep her off the damn thing??> And then of course there's all the garbage that needed to be taken out. It was like I still lived there LOL. But for the price of some time with Johnnie like in the pic I posted, I was glad to pay. And then for the piece de resistance, I cooked dinner. Lisa had some chicken marinating since last Monday and they had bought Italian sausage from Whole Foods too. I made some rice and so Johnnie got Italian sausage and rice and Lisa and I got chicken for dinner and a mushroom spinach side dish. Lisa got her family night together after all. And it was pretty good food too. And of course I had to wash dishes after LOL. I wash more dishes here than I do at home! When I felt everything was in control and Lisa settled on the couch to watch Schitt's Creek, it was time for me to go. Time for me to watch my shows too. Tonight's episode of House of Dragons for one. There was new episodes of the Walking Dead too though I've long soured on watching those. Still it was a good golf morning and a nice family afternoon/ evening. It was a makeup for Lisa's blowup and I, for one, also felt good about that. 

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