Friday, October 14, 2022

No Tank Friday

This Friday felt normal, just like most Fridays. At least it started that way. Nice centering meditation first thing. Booked a tee time for next Sunday. Started to look up my tickets for Disneyland on Sunday. Waited for Lisa to drop off the dog like usual. Except she didn't. Instead, she asked me to pick up the dog at my convenience sometime this morning. Ok with me too except I have that Director's Meeting first thing. First thing on a Friday is 9:30 AM LOL. I barely had enough time to walk to McDonald's and get that sausage and egg McMuffin for my breakfast. Nope I did not feel like cooking this morning. I felt like getting my body going early and then when I got back, most of the Directors were already bailing on the meeting. We were supposed to look at Revenue figures for each Health Center so we could understand the financials. As far as I was concerned, there really wasn't much to discuss except to get providers in there that would actually be willing to see a lot of patients instead of doctors just puching in time clocks. No need to focus on patients. Seems to be the running theme for years now ever since I started here. We have never really had a patient problem. We've had a provider problem just as all other FQHCs have. Anyway, I had that meeting and then the Salesforce project meeting at 11:30. And in between that, I went to pick up Claire at Lisa's house. And earlier in the morning, Lisa invited me with them to go to the Boiled Crab in Westwood for dinner tonight. I said it was ok as long as it was after Johnnie's Spanish class at 5 PM. In the meantime, that gave me an idea to head off to Westwood in the afternoon to pick up some chino joggers at Target. I don't know what it was in my head that has me purchasing replacement clothes. Other than I've lost that much weight and that many inches off my waist that I'm back to wearing clothes sizes I hadn't worn since the 90s. I'm back to wearing S/M-ish pants again. And nicely sporting a 30-inch waistline. Hence the new Levi's 501s that I bought used from Poshmark, the shoes from Men's Wearhouse - since you know I've spent time at the FRB once a week and then the joggers. I saw they had them in stock online. But couldn't find them in the store darn it. And it was a pain in the ass coming to Westwood too since a lot of streets were closed for some reason. Still, I noted that I hadn't come to Westwood in the middle of the day in a while. Been a very long minute. And it took me a minute too to get used to all the college students running around at Target. Don't these people have classes?
The energy of Westwood would carry forward to this evening, As did the energy of having to pick up Lisa at her workplace and then do something afterward. It is really starting to be a total pain in the ass to do that. Still by mid-afternoon even as I headed back from Westwood, it was clear that I had already checked out for the weekend. I was already prepping for the Johnnie pick-up, making sure I had chicken and rice all set to cook for his dinner. yeah yeah I know we're supposed to go to dinner tonight. But who knows when we would actually get to eat. I can hold out if I had to. But why does Johnnie have too? I decided he's going to have his dinner early. And if he gets hungry again later, then he can have 2 dinners LOL. The pickup at STAR was uneventful, as was the Spanish class. And he wolfed down all 3 chicken strips and all the rice I had! Not going to worry about how hungry he is the rest of the evening. We then dropped Claire off at Lisa's house, as well as Johnnie's school stuff and then headed off to Lisa's office. Why of course she wouldn't be done just yet. Why would I have expected any different?! This is a friday after all, the nights she usually stays until well past 8 PM. We gpt there at 7 PM too and my understanding was that we were supposed to meet up with Silvia and Cecile at 7 PM. But for some reason I thought we were meeting at the restaurant. So when Silvia called letting me know they had gotten there, i thought "there" meant the restaurant. Never did it occur to me that they came to Lisa's office. Nor did they bother to come up either. And so when Lisa finally packed up, we took my car and headed off to Westwood. Only when we got there and Silvia called did we realize my mistake. I screwed up. But of course that didn't stop Lisa from yelling and being a jerk about it. Again. Second time this week. That I've observed. As far as the Boiling Crab, we hadn't eaten there in years. MANY years. I'm surprised it had stayed open this long even. Eating there is about as messy an eating experience is. And the food was pretty spicy. But we're talking about shrimp, crab, and lobster here. And all for $120! I had fried catfish too and Johnnie did get more chicken strips. I can't say I'd be excited to eat here again. But for our tourist visitors, I'm sure it made for an interesting meal. For some reason I was still hungry after though. And so when we went off our separate ways for the evening, me on my way home, and everyone else going to Target, I decided to stop at Tacos 1986, the small taco place in Westwood where many other eateries had their respective homes over the years. These days it's a taco place and it sure beats driving through Taco Bell. I had my Friday night tacos, watched the Dodgers lose to the Padres, watched the last episode of SEE again. I'm right back at Lisa's tomorrow. She's working. And I'm sure I'll be doing something with our tourists. It's my turn to play host and tour guide after all and I'm happy to do that. And then Sunday it's Disneyland! Can't wait!

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