Tuesday, October 11, 2022

A Much Wanted Routine Tuesday

With the energy of Johnnie's birthday week finally dissipating, I could once again think about a routine Tuesday whatever that is. For a few weeks this past month, it was going to the Westlake North clinic to play manager. But mostly it has been a pretty light day for the past year or more, except when I have to prepare for a presentation the following day or something. And today after the IS TEAM Meeting at 9 AM, it was pretty clear sailing until the end of the day. Before that I hung around the school dropping Johnnie off and lingered until the bell rang and his class got let in by his teacher. Even had conversations with a couple of the parents. And then this morning I relished the little things you enjoy when you're working from home: taking Claire out for her early morning walk, exchanging texts and Picard banter with Karl <funny we haven't talked in forever but we sure have exchanged texts haven't we?>, prepping for tomorrow night's Laker game with the e-tickets and stuff, and even taking the dog out again and chatting with a neighbor and her newborn. <Man I remember how much hard work that was. Was that really 7+ years ago?> It was an eezy-peezy kind of day although I did have to remind myself that I had to finish my NACHC FOM/IT presentation and send it in today right on time for its due date. I had to actually make myself do it since mentally I had already felt that I had compiled enough material for the presentation. I simply had to re-organize it and update some of the slide visuals. I was already 90% done by the time it was time to pick up Johnnie. Mentally I clocked out at around 5 PM and then clocked in for the second part of the day which was Johnnie time. Tuesday nights are the time we get to spend together unhindered by stuff for Lisa or anyone else and so I tend to do more with him, whether it is doing something fun or doing something together like going to the hot tub or even making cookies. Or simply talking about his day. He had basketball today, and apparently his team had won. And he came home with a hand-made lava lamp LOL. So oily it was that i had to put a couple of napkins underneath it.  And as you can see from the pictures, tonight we simply went to Panda Express and had dinner there. He of course wants to bring it back to the house always just so he could watch TV at the same time, something that would never happen at Lisa's house, but one look at the traffic going back our way and I decided we would eat right there and then I wouldn't feel so rushed and anxious driving back. It was a good thing that we did that. And so I was not so anxious and Johnnie didn't have to clean up after himself. There were a bunch of things I wanted to watch too. The NLDS series started today between the Dodgers and Padres but I was not too keen on watching that LIVE. Instead I watched the latest episode of the Quantum Leap re-boot while Johnnie watched a couple of episodes of Boss Baby. Hmmm, yesterday it was Captain Underpands, today Boss Baby. I hope he is not starting to veer towards a goofier sense of humor. My kid is growing up! Only then did I realize that I was behind with my steps. Mentally I was easing up because of the blood trace in my urine yesterday, but it wasn't like I was peeing blood like I did a few months ago. I think it was simply the way I was sitting and I had clearly overexerted myself Sunday night. I did some prostate yoga exercises today and a healthy dose of prostate healing audios and I felt almost immediate relief from the yoga stuff. As in something opened up and I had no issues with constriction after that. Did I just discover how to deal with this long term? Or do I simply just push it away from my thoughts one way or another? Anyway I pushed myself into doing the same 11,000+ steps and 60+ active minutes that I would any other day. Even though I started way behind at 6 PM I still finished with 71 active minutes for the day. And I was pretty tired that I went to bed the same time Johnnie did. It had been a pretty routine day for me... just like I like it.

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